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Rock and Roll High School 5040

Rock 'n' Roll High School is a 1979 musical comedy film produced by Roger Corman, directed by Allan Arkush, and featuring The Ramones.

Vince Lombardi High School greets its latest principal, Ms. Togar, replacing yet another principal who went mad trying to keep the kids in line. Togar sets her evil sights on Riff Randall, who's popular, sexy, uncontrollable... and is the school's biggest fan of the Ramones. When the Ramones are scheduled to tour through the city, Riff tries out various schemes to ensure she gets to see the concert and even meet the band to give them a song she's written... but Togar wants Riff punished with detentions for eternity if it means getting rid of rock and roll from the school.

This film contains examples of:[]


 Togar: We can assume the parents are still alive... somewhere.

  • Next Sunday AD: Released in 1979, Set in 1980.
  • The Power of Rock: The Ramones using rock and roll to take over a high school? It doesn't get much cooler than that.
  • Precision F-Strike: "Screw you, Mrs. Togar, we made it to the concert anyway!" Worth mentioning because it was spoken over the radio.
  • Spanner in the Works: The chance ticket giveaway that has a hint of Xanatos Roulette.
  • Trash the Set: Mount Carmel High School, where the film was shot, had closed a few years earlier, so they were free to blow the whole place up at the end.
  • What Could Have Been: Musical artists considered to appear as Riff's favorite were Todd Rundgren, Cheap Trick, Devo, and Van Halen.
  • Xanatos Roulette: There's no way Riff and her friend planned on getting their tickets back because they didn't plan that method--the RADIO STATION did. And what's more, the station itself didn't hear of Riff's latest confrontation with Principal Togar, making this a mix of this and Spanner in the Works.