Rockman 2 Deus Ex Machina is a ROM Hack of Rockman 2 by Misty. Aside from new level designs, it also features excellent music supplemented by IKA (creator of Rockman No Constancy.
This game provides examples of:[]
- Abnormal Ammo: Metal Man (and his weapon, Synthesizer) shoot music notes.
- Advancing Boss of Doom: The Mecha Dragon.
- Blow You Away: Air Man, though here he sucks instead of blowing.
- Boss Rush: Featuring new deviantly-designed rooms.
- Build Like an Egyptian: Heat Man's stage.
- Gusty Glade: Air Man's level.
- Hailfire Peaks: Bubble Man's stage combines Palmtree Panic and Underground Level.
- Jungle Japes: Wood Man's level.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Flash Man's level and Wily Stage 1.
- Wackyland: Metal Man's stage is very pink. Not to mention he throws music notes at you...
- Wutai: Quick Man's stage.