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Rockman No Constancy is a ROM hack of Rockman 2 by Japanese ROM hacker IKA. It features are awesome graphics, great music, and insane difficulty, making it one of the most well-known ROM hacks out there.
Comes in Normal (normal difficulty for Mega Man) and Hard (no Mercy Invincibility; have fun) versions.
Tropes present in this game:[]
- Advancing Boss of Doom: The Mecha Dragon chase becomes an insanely fast version of this.
- An Ice Person: Wood Man.
- Blackout Basement: One section of Flash Man's stage. Particularly infuriating in that it ends up hiding several blocks.
- Blow You Away: Air Man.
- Boss Rush: As per series tradition, though with slippery floor.
- Bullfight Boss: Heat Man.
- Chekhov's Gun: Early on in Flash Man's stage, you come across a boss gate that's blocked off. That same gate leads to the final boss much later on.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Mega Man's default color in the Hard version is green (compared to his normal blue).
- Dummied Out: This song was used in the first build of the game for Wily Stages 3 & 4, and subsequently cut.
- Eternal Engine: Metal Man's stage and most Wily stages.
- Floating Continent: Air Man's stage seems to be this.
- Gusty Glade: Air Man's stage.
- Harpoon Arm Cannon: Bubble Man.
- Kill It with Fire: Delay Flame (Quick Man's weapon) and Proto Charge (Heat Man's).
- Kill It with Ice: Ice Circle (Wood Man's weapon).
- Lethal Lava Land: Downplayed with Metal Man's stage, which has molten metal that one-hit kills you.
- Mercy Invincibility: Averted in the Hard version. This tends to turn Nintendo Hard sections into pure Platform Hell.
- Mirror World: Wily 6 is this to Flash Man's stage.
- Nintendo Hard: Oh yes.
- One-Hit Kill: Za Warudo towards Clash Man.
- Playing with Fire: Heat Man and Quick Man.
- Power Fist: Again, Heat Man seems to have one. It glows as well.
- Remixed Level: Again, Wily 6 is this to Flash Man's stage.
- Shifting Sand Land: Heat Man's stage.
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: Wood Man's stage.
- Shout-Out:
- Flash Man's weapon is named Za Warudo.
- Air Man's portrait on the stage select screen is taken from I Can't Defeat Air Man.
- Several stage graphics are ripped from other games:
- Flash Man's is from Yoshis Island.
- Quick Man's is from Mega Man X 2.
- Air Man's is from Kirby's Adventure.
- Super Mode: Wily, of all people, becomes this in the final boss battle. Or at least his hologram does.
- Tank Goodness: The Guts-Dozer, as in the original.
- The Lost Woods: Flash Man's stage, as well as Wily 6 (a Palette Swap of the former).
- Time Stands Still: Flash Man, like the original.
- And of course Za Warudo/The World, his weapon.
- Title Theme Drop: Done in Wily Stage 6. And it is awesome.
- Under the Sea: Wily stages 1 (at least the first part) and 4.
- Underwater Boss Battle: Bubble Man. Also, the Buebeam Room.
- Underwater Ruins: Bubble Man's stage.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Crash/Clash Man is killed in one hit by Za Warudo (a weapon that isn't even offensive).
- Word Salad Title