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A friendly Australian emigrant wallaby.
- Adorkable: He's a cute little wallaby with a big heart, has his socially awkward moments, and he's One of Us. D'aww.
- Australian Accent
- Badass Adorable
- Berserk Button: If you don't know anything about him, he will be miffed.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Occasionally. He has completely destroyed a motorcycle because of bagpipe music once.
- Butt Monkey
- Occasionally, an Iron Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "X day is a very dangerous day..."
- Deadpan Snarker: At times he can be one. Particularly when he's annoyed.
- Depending on the Writer: He either grew up in O-Town or emigrated there as an adult.
- The Hero: Sometimes The Smart Guy.
- I Am Not Weasel: He's not a beaver, he's a wallaby.
- The Kirk
- Nice Guy
- Not So Above It All: Despite trying to retain his sanity and be the sensible one among his wild friends, Rocko does love a good prank now and then.
- One of Us: Works at a comic book store, and loves it there (despite his terrible boss).
- Only Sane Man
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Heffer's Manly Man.
- Sick Episode: He gets a bad case of the flu.
- Temporarily a Villain: After he touched the green button.
- Unlucky Everydude: Emphasis on "unlucky".
A stupid and gluttonous steer adopted by wolves.
- Ambiguously Bi: He's shown clear attraction to women before and once had a steady relationship with a cute female elk, but has also had quite the Ho Yay with Rocko and Filburt both.
- Big Eater
- Big Fun
- The Big Guy
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Ditz
- Dysfunctional Family: His adoptive family is...interesting, to say the least.
- Extreme Omnivore
- Fat Best Friend
- Fat Idiot
- Gasshole
- Happily Adopted: As stated above, he's a steer that was adopted into a wolf family.
- Heroic BSOD: Happens to just about every character in the series, but Heffer suffers it especially bad when his dad bans him from going to anymore Weasel Scout functions. He gets better, though.
- I Am Not Weasel: He doesn't like it when people call him a "cow".
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Keet
- The McCoy
- Raised by Wolves: Literally.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Rocko's Sensitive Guy.
- The Slacker
- Straw Loser
A nerdy turtle. He marries Dr. Hutchison.
- Babies Ever After
- Catch Phrase: "I'm nauseous"
- Coming of Age: In the episode "Born to Spawn", Filburt is angsting about becoming an adult as he is forced to go to Kerplopitgoes Island (his birthplace) for a Rite of Passage. Which turns out to be a theme party in honor of The Seventies, where all the nerdy turtles become temporarily cool.
- Depending on the Writer: He's either a good friend or takes advantage of Rocko and Heffer.
- Happily Married
- Hollywood Nerd
- I Was Quite a Looker: Word of God says he used to be handsome and athletic, but a case of unrequited love sent him into a downward spiral, which entailed a stay at a mental institution and culminated in his present Nerd status. Luckily, he finds a woman who loves him for him in the present.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Mistaken for Aliens: In the 'diary' episode, Heffer and Rocko find out that Filburt is an alien bend on taking over the world, but naturally it was just a misunderstanding from his novel called "Filburt's Secret Journal." or WAS IT?
- Nerd Glasses: Which get passed onto his sons.
- Removable Shell: Occasionally
- Shout-Out: To Woody Allen...except without the whole Lolicon thing.
- Sickly Neurotic Geek
- The Smart Guy
- The Spock
- Straw Loser: Early on. Eventually he does get a cute wife and have four kids with her.
- Turtle Power
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?
- Younger Than They Look: He's 38 in "Future Schlock", but looks more like he's in his 80's or 90's.
Ed Bighead
Rocko's mean neighbor.
- Butt Monkey
- Can't Get Away with Nuthin'
- Catch Phrase: "I hate my life"
- Cranky Neighbor
- Foil: To Rocko.
- Grumpy Bear
- Henpecked Husband
- Happily Married: Despite the above, he adores Bev.
- I Have No Son
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: His reconciliation with his son Ralph earns him this.
Bev Bighead:
Mr. Bighead's friendlier wife.
- Cranky Neighbor: Though less so than her husband.
- Fiery Redhead
- Guile Heroine: In a couple of episodes.
- Happily Married: Despite constantly getting exasperated with Ed, she adores him.
- Hidden Depths: Despite being a housewife she very quickly rose up in Conglomo's ranks in Ed's place when he got sick.
- I Was Quite a Looker: As seen in a Flash Back from when she and Ed were first married some 30 years back.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Mrs. Robinson
- Sick Episode: She comes down with an amphibian throat illness from eating an infected mosquito...and winds up getting a nose intended for someone else.
- Ship Tease: Played for laughs with her and Rocko. One time she even tries to seduce him to make Ed jealous!
- Tsundere
Dr. Hutchison
A cat doctor with perpetual cheerfulness. Currently married to Filbert.
- Affirmative Action Girl: Was put into the show because the higher-ups wanted more female characters.
- Babies Ever After
- Catch Phrase: "Kay?"
- Character Tic: Tilts her head when saying her Catch Phrase.
- Happily Married: To Filburt.
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Filburt worries about a guy he sees her with, but it turns out they are only friends.
- Hook Hand: The executives wanted a character with a hook. They got one.
- Hospital Hottie
- Nice Girl
- Perpetual Smiler
- What Does She See in Him?: Constantly questioned (mostly by her family) about her relationship with Filburt.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?
Rocko's sweet yet dumb and unhygienic dog.
- Demonic Possession: Spunky once got possessed by Mortimer Khan, Gengis Khan's forgotten son, to seek vengeance on Heffer.
- Fat Idiot: Spunky is a bit chubby.
- Nice Guy
- Sick Episode: Catches the flu from Rocko.
Ralph Bighead
Ed and Bev's cartoonist son.
- Butt Monkey: In "Wacky Delly".
- Author Avatar
- Transsexual: an MtF trans person who becomes Rachel in the Static Cling special.
Mr. Smitty
Rocko's tyrannical boss.
Mr. Dupette
A lizard that is the CEO of Conglom-O.
- Character Tic: Picking his nose
The ruler of Heck. Peaches has an average joe tone and a love of ping pong, which almost makes you forget he's a demon.
- Affably Evil: Peaches will be friendly and explain Heck while torturing you for all eternity.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: "Don't you mean-" (covers Heffer's mouth) "Censors!"
- Big Bad: The closest the series has to one.
- Knight of Cerebus: In "To Heck and Back" he tortures Heffer by forcing him to watch Rocko starve to death inside Heffer's corpse forever.
The Chameleon Brothers
A pair of chameleons who run multiple jobs.
- Took: They originally had average intelligence but now apparently eat data and make cartoons by throwing paper with crude drawings in the air.
Gladys The Hippo Lady:
- Big Fun: Once Rocko gets to know her better
- Catch Phrase: See "Who Dares"
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- The Ditz
- Fat Girl: Though it doesn't bother her
- Fat Idiot
- Tsundere
- Who Dares?: HOW DARE YOU?!