"Rogues in the House" is a Conan the Barbarian story by Robert E. Howard. First published in January, 1934.
Tropes included[]
- Angry Guard Dog: Nabonidus has one
- Big Fancy House: Nabonidus has one, but it has no servants
- The Berserker: The effect of a powder on men
- The Dandy: Murillo
- Deadly Decadent Court
- Enemy Mine: with Nabonidus
- Evil Chancellor: Nabonidus is this to the king.
- Exact Words: Nabonidus promises not to have the king kill Murillo.
- The Exile: Murillo is not sure whether he's been warned to opt for this.
- Finger in the Mail: An ear is sent to Murillo
- Frazetta Man: Thak
- Gadgeteer Genius: Nabonidus who uses a lot of Clock Punk tech to safeguard his house.
- Gas Chamber: Used to disburse the dust of the gray lotus
- Great Escape: Arranged fro Conan
- The Mole: Murillo sells secrets to foreigners
- Noble Fugitive: Murillo thinks of this but it might not be allowed.
- The Rat: the priest who betrayed Conan
- Turncoat
- Villain Opening Scene
- Was Once a Man: The ape-man
- Worthy Opponent: At the end Conan acknowledges Thak as this.