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  • RE: roller-coaster tycoon 2. Why make an expansion pack fully focussing on new landscapes and scenery and not make the editor capable of actually selecting the new themes? It annoys the heck out of me how limited the editor is.
  • Not being able to unlock any new scenarios in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. One of the main reasons I liked the original over the sequel is that I actually have to put effort into playing the game in order to get new scenarios to play with. It's boring if you have everything available to you at the start.
  • Why do the same VIPs keep visiting every park? And why would a baseball player be called 'Joe Sluggerball' anyway? And visit theme parks in his baseball outfit and while carrying his bat? And why exactly does a large theme park have to leap through arbitrary hoops for one random celebrity guest?
    • Maybe they're hoping for an endorsement deal?