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Romy And Michele's High School Reunion is a 1997 comedy about two friends, Romy (Mira Sorvino) and Michele (Lisa Kudrow), who go back to their high school reunion. They decide to prove their classmates wrong about how they were perceived as losers in high school and pretend to be successful business women. Hilarity Ensues.

Tropes used by the film:[]


 What the hell is your problem, Christie? Why the hell are you always such a nasty bitch? I mean, okay, so Michele and I did make up some stupid lie! We only did it because we wanted you to treat us like human beings. But you know what I realized? I don't care if you like us, 'cause we don't like you. You're a bad person with an ugly heart, and we don't give a flying fuck what you think!

  • Threesome Subtext: Sandy still has a crush on Michele, but doesn't bat an eyelid at her insistence that Romy dance with them as well. At the end, all three of them go home in his helicopter.
  • Throw It In: Lisa Kudrow (who, let the record show, has a biology degree from Vassar) made up the entire glue formula on the spot.

 Um, well, ordinarily when you make glue first you need to thermoset your resin and then after it cools you have to mix in an epoxide, which is really just a fancy-schmancy name for any simple oxygenated adhesive, right? And then I thought maybe, just maybe, you could raise the viscosity by adding a complex glucose derivative during the emulsification process and it turns out I was right!
