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  • An Achievement Hunter example: Jack and Joel's "guides" to finding skulls and terminals in Halo: Combat Evolved: Anniversary Edition. Highlights include Cortana and Master Chief bickering over a terminal (with 343 Guilty Spark as referee), Joel failing to obtain a skull after showing multiple failed grenade jumps, and Halo exploding after picking up the last skull.
  • Another Achievement Hunter one: Let's Play Trials Evolution. The ending is priceless. For those who haven't seen it, Michael has been screwed over time and time again by people, bailing across the finish. (Not to mention the original Trials is the game that frustrated him enough to start doing Rage Quit). At the end, every person except Michael bails at once and misses the finish line- Michael goes from rage to joy immediately:

 Michael: *Amidst laughter* Did all of you idiots bail out? All three of you bailed? I won by default!

  • Achievement Hunter plays Minecraft. Ray, Geoff, Michael, and Jack have never played it before so they spend twenty minutes building a house, learning the mechanics, dying a lot, etc. Funny stuff. Meanwhile, Gavin, who logged in a lot of time on Minecraft on PC spends most of that time mining deep down and building a cavern for himself. Then he finds lava. And then he makes a bucket. Then, two minutes later, without saying a word, and with his screen visible to Ray, Gavin sets their house on fire. Their reactions are incredible.
    • After everyone dies, they can't find their house. Ray begins building a new house... 6 meters away from the old one.
    • Just after setting their house on fire and going back to his cave to hide;

 Burnie: So, do we all agree, Joel, that we would basically just pin hot dogs to him and leave him outside, right?

Geoff: Pretty much.

Burnie: Slather you with ketchup.

Joel: Zombies don't like hot dogs.

Gus: I really want a hot dog now.



 Burnie: (after he and Joel have been mobbed to death by zombies in a house) I don't think we should call our room the living room anymore.

  • In part 3 of the Minecraft Let's Play, Geoff and Gavin made an incredibly detailed Achievement City over the Memorial Day weekend and made everyone a sweet house, except Ray, whose house is made out of dirt and only has a single torch and no furniture inside. Then Gavin tours Geoff's house right next door, and in stark contrast to Ray's house, Geoff's looks like the Monolith.
    • The best part was that Geoff and Gavin did all this to trick Jack into destroying his house with a hidden lava trap. When Jack manages to save his house, Gavin just pours a bucket of lava over it to destroy it.
    • Afterward Jack decides to destroy everything with lava and turns Achievement City into a fiery inferno.

 Ray: Let's be honest, I realistically didn't lose anything.

    • Then they reload to before the area got covered in lava, and Michael finds a button... which causes a massive amount of TNT under the city to detonate, destroying most of the houses... except Jack's, which Gavin promptly plants more TNT on to destroy.
    • Michael's attempt at stealing Gavin's art from his house.

 Michael: Nooooo! I want nice things!

  • Michael's Rage Quit series in one in itself, but special mention goes to "The Impossible Game, Levels Pack".

 Michael: It's like I'm an abused wife!
