An Abridged Series of Rose of Versailles by Cassius614. This series not only mocks the usual abridging targets, but the whole genre of period Anime, and period fiction in general. Also tends to center on tropes even more than a typical abridged series, and sometimes even makes Oscar more Genre Savvy than simply complaining about the tropes the writers make her go through.
This show provides examples of:
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Bishonen: Lampshaded by Oscar. "Dudes can sparkle".
- Bi the Way: Oscar blurts out she's bisexual to Marie, because it makes more sense than the original line, or at least the translation of it.
- Brain Bleach: When a prostitute hired to impersonate Marie for a cardinal notes she could just sleep with him, Jeanne says the image is just too horrible to think about.
- British Accents: It has to, since most period works have them.
- Captain Obvious: The crowds at Versailles wondering why they are saying things they already know.
- Crosses the Line Twice: Spoofed In-Universe. In Episode 11, a villain becomes so full of hate and darkness that he is struck by lightning and takes the live-action form of the villain from Schindler's List, just to mock how over the top his villainy was in the actual series.
- Discussed Trope: Maria Theresa discusses the rules for writing a period anime.
- Dramatic Shattering: Discussed by Maria Theresa.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Marie Antoinette explicitly thinks her life will be like this.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Marie and Oscar each claim to be the most sparkly character on the show.
- "Faux To" Guide: The rules for period anime.
- Historical Villain Upgrade: Discussed by Maria Theresa.
- Incurable Cough of Death: Discussed by Maria Theresa.
- Les Yay: Of course made more blatant here than in the series.
- Melodrama: Probably the most parodied thing in the series.
- Mook Chivalry: Oscar mocks the mooks for being careful to attack prominent characters one at a time.
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Oscar's sense that tells her Marie is doing something dumb.
- No Export for You: Mocked in a promo for the series.
- Once an Episode: Maria Theresa's rules.
- Orwellian Editor: "Oscar has always been a pistol duelist! And we have always been at war with Eurasia!"
- Personal Dictionary: The Duke of Orleans, aka Light Guitar Hero, insists that Oscar is a whore, no matter how much others point out she doesn't fit the definition of a prostitute.
- Please Spare Him, My Liege: "These aren't the criminals you're looking for!"
- The Queen's Latin: Discussed by Oscar and Andre
- Royally Screwed-Up: Mocking the conventions at Versailles.
- Rule of Drama: Discussed by Maria Theresa.
- Sampling
- Stupid Sexy Oscar
- That's What She Said
- These Questions Three