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Rubik the Amazing Cube was a 1983 Ruby-Spears animated series based on...well....the then extremely popular Rubik's Cube puzzle toy. In this short-lived series, a trio of Latino siblings (Carlos, Lisa, and Reynaldo Rodriguez) are casually walking around a forest at night, and happen to witness a strange gypsy/magician-type character going at top speed in a horse-drawn cart. A strange object falls out of the cart, which looks like a Rubik's Cube. One of the kids picks it up and solves it, and lo and behold, the thing comes to life, complete with a face, arms and legs. He calls himself Rubik, and immediately bonds with the kids, who soon have wacky misadventures with the eponoymous cube.

Contrary to popular belief, the creators of this show were perfectly sober when they came up with this concept.

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