Rude Dog and the Dweebs is a 1980s Saturday Morning Cartoon on CBS about a group of misfit mutts and their misadventures, along with their self-proclaimed leader of the pack, a punky pooch by the name of Rude Dog.
Rude Dog initially was the mascot of a surf-themed line of merchandise developed by Sun Sportswear. The cartoon soon followed, featuring Rude Dog as the owner of a delivery company housed in an automotive garage. After rescuing a gang of gawky canines from the back of the dog catcher's van, he endearingly takes it upon himself to take them under his wing and teach them to be hip. This group, to whom Rude Dog referred as the Dweebs, consists of Barney, Kibble, Winston, Reggie, Tweek, Caboose and Satch. The show produced only 26 episodes.
It premiered on CBS on September 14, 1989 and had a run to December 7, 1989, replaced by the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. Six months later, Rude Dog returned to CBS to run its course to September 6, 1990. It was faring well ratings-wise but was dropped because it was assumed that kids were mistaking Rude Dog for Budweiser beer's "party animal," Spuds McKenzie.
This series contains examples of:[]
- The Ace: Rude Dog
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife
- Animated Adaptation
- Angry Guard Dog: Rot. Yet he qualifies more as dimwitted than angry
- Butt Monkey: The Dweebs are subjected to this, even by Rude Dog himself.
- Catch Phrase: "Hey Dudes! Get Rude."
- Cats Are Mean: Seymour
- Cool Car
- Cool Garage
- Cool People Rebel Against Authority: More prevalent in the merchandising line. Shirts would depict Rude Dog's slogans promoting his trademark "Rude" behavior against school and the like.
- Cool Shades
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Rude Dog's eyes and ears.
- Farm Boy: Barney
- Informed Attribute: Rude Dog isn't actually very rude. He might just barely qualify as a Deadpan Snarker.
- Insistent Terminology: The Dweebs. Everyone calls them that. One could be forgiven for thinking it's a slang term for their species.
- Jewish Complaining: Kibble
- Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Reggie
- Limited Animation: Well, it is an '80s cartoon.
- Loser Archetype: The Dweebs
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Reggie sounds like Jack Nicholson. Or at least the way people talk when they imitate Jack Nicholson.
- Rebel Leader
- Surfer Dude
- Totally Radical
- Unintentional Period Piece: Any frame of this show could be used as a picture in a history book captioned "The 1980s".