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- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Audrey's sister, who strings Russell along like a puppy and doesn't even care.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Timmy.
- Flanderization: Adam has become increasingly stupid as the seasons progressed. This has been noted by the actor himself, who doesn't seem to mind it much.
- Hollywood Homely/Pudgy Liz is treated as being hideously ugly and extremely overweight when she is neither.
- Also applies slightly when Adam and Jennifer film themselves having sex and are digusted when they watch it. While a lot of their disgust revolves around the awkwardness of their sex, they take the time to remark how awful they look. Adam remarks that he needs to hit the gym and Jennifer shouts, "We are not tan!,"... even though they clearly are.
- Ho Yay: In one episode, Timmy and Russel have their hands on each other's knees under the table mistaking each other for their dates.
- The Scrappy: Timmy.
- On the other hand, some fans actually consider Russell this (although his recent character development has begun to lessen this), with Timmy's passive-aggressive snarking at how utterly inept Russell to be both deeply refreshing and making him something of an Ensemble Darkhorse.
- Ships That Pass in the Night: Russell and Audrey's Sister.