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 Rusty James: Hey man, I really dig the colors.

Motorcycle Boy: The colors?

Rusty James: The colors are cool.

Motorcycle Boy: Makes me kinda sorry I can't see the colors.

Rusty James: I never thought you were sorry about anything.


Rumblefish is a coming of age novel by S.E Hinton, and the sequel to her first classic, The Outsiders, although the links between the two are slight.

The plot concerns Rusty James, an Emo Teen on the inside, ruthless gangster on the outside, who is constantly trying to live up to the reputation of his older brother, The Motorcycle Boy who has grown bored with life and is, ironically, trying to escape from the reputation he has created. When The Motorcycle Boy comes back to town after several months on the road, Rusty James world comes crashing down as he comes to terms with the fact that his brothers violent lifestyle is something that he can never have, and that he must rise above the only world he has ever known in order to prove himself the man he's always wanted to be, which means letting go of his brother.

Was made into a strange, black and white feature film by Francis Ford Coppola, written largely by S.E Hinton herself. Bashed by critics on its release for being confusing, and hugely unconventional, the film is now considered something of a cult classic, with many modern critics preferring it to the first film, The Outsiders. The film starred Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane, Nicolas Cage, Vincent Spano, Diana Scarwid and Dennis Hopper.

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