Base Breaker: Half the audience considers Mitsuki the biggest woobie after Takayuki, due to all the shit she's been put through in her route and the anime. The other half thinks she's a dumb slut who's to blame for everything because her request to have Takayuki buy her a birthday presence was a huge factor behind Haruka's accident, and think she betrayed Haruka when she became Takayuki's lover.
Idiot Plot: WHY would lying to Haruka and hiding that she's been in a coma for three years help her recover? Not even the "oh, she'll drop dead from the shock" BS can fully justify it.
Wangst: In the anime, one can't help but feel sorry for Mitsuki and Takayuki. They can't win either, since if one of them decides to see Haruka, it drives a wedge between them. If they don't come, they're letting Haruka's parents down - and this is before Haruka's sister Akane calls them traitors after finding out they're involved. Akane knows One Side of the Story and won't bother to ask if there is in fact more going on, so when Akane is seen crying in the rain, rather than feeling her pain, because her words have indirectly put the main cast through much more hurt, the audience instead is including to view it as this trope.
What an Idiot!: Everything would've been okay if Mitsuki did NOT ask Takayuki to buy her a ring for her birthday before the date with Haruka, thus causing him to be late, forcing Haruka to wait longer for him and be right on the spot where a car would hit her. . .