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Runman is the man who runs, streaking by with yellow buns. |
In this Platform Game, someone has announced a race around the world, and the fastest man in the world (a small yellow guy named RunMan) enters. All of the other competitors immediately resign, knowing that there's no way that they can beat him. RunMan is a bit annoyed by this lack of sportsmanship, and vows to race around the world by himself, if he must.
Over the course of the game, you'll bounce off walls, ride a hang glider, and out-run certain death on more than one occasion.
Technically a Freeware Game, but donations of any amount are openly invited.
Can be found at this rather clever URL: http://whatareyouwait.info
Tropes used in Run Man Race Around the World include:
- Boring Return Journey: In the credits, Run Man calmly walks back to his home.
- Bottomless Pits: They don't do much, however.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: Run Man either loses his momentum and hops back out of the pit, or the level restarts.
- However, even if you survive, it can still wreck the time and score you're going for.
- Death Mountain/Lethal Lava Land Mt. Tomato Soup (but it's not lethal to RunMan.)
- Escape Sequence: The bosses.
- Fish Out of Water: Since speed and not vertical mobility is key in this game, Ogmo doesn't do very well.
- Ghibli Hills: Bliss Valley.
- Goomba Stomp: Applies while not zooming.
- Invincible Minor Minion
- Jungle Japes: The Jungle of Jive.
- Last Lousy Point
- Mighty Glacier: The unlockable character Stumblor is about the size of a literal glacier and can trample down all enemies without effort, but easily gets stuck and has a hard time gaining momentum.
- Ninja: a once-off enemy.
- Nintendo Hard: The game can be this due to a combination of the wall jump mechanic relying only on the boost mechanic, which you will habitually hold down during the boss chases.
- Nitro Boost: Unlimited, always usable. You also gain power the longer you keep momentum.
- Not Completely Useless: The unlockable characters are utterly useless if you haven't figured out in detail how they accelerate and interact with the environment... in which case they actually have better chances of getting a medal in some levels.
- 108: The total amount of medals.
- One Hundred Percent Completion gets you the grand prize of the official RunMan Theme Song sung to you by the programmers.
- Palmtree Panic: The Awesome Sea.
- Platformer
- Press X to Die: Except for boss levels, the restart key is the only thing that can kill you at all.
- Public Domain Soundtrack: And how. The soundtrack consists entirely of old public domain jazz and blues songs.
- The Same but More: Sherman the Sheep is essentially an upgraded version of Moseyman.
- Scoring Points
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: the Sleepy Hills.
- The Spiny
- Stylistic Suck: Yes, the graphics really look like that.
- Sugar Bowl: Even the world itself seems to be happy! Yay!
- Super Speed: Oh yeah!
- Waddling Head/Cephalothorax: Everyone.
- Wall Jump: To the point of absurdity.
- Video Game Flight: Using hang gliders.