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Characters from Rune Factory, the fantasy-themed Harvest Moon spinoff.

Rune Factory 1[]



  Voiced by: Romi Park (JP); Johnny Yong Bosch (EN) (Frontier)



 The main character of the first game and of Frontier. He developed amnesia and wandered up to Mist's door steps where she provided him with a home. In Frontier she ends up housing him again after he follows her to Trampoli




  Voiced By: Ami Koshimizu (JP); Stephanie Sheh (EN) (Frontier)



 A young girl who allows Raguna to help her operate the farm in Kardia. She's a bit strange, but she means well. In Frontier she's traveled to Trampoli, feeling that something is calling her.




  Voiced By: Yui Kano (JP); Julie Ann Taylor (EN) (Frontier)



 The delivery girl. In Frontier, she opens up a shop in Trampoli that specializes in flower seeds. She's a bit pushy and competitive, but means well.




  Voiced by: Akemi Kanda (JP); Jessica Straus (EN) (Frontier)



  A girl in love with magic and bath houses, the second of which she runs. She has no real talent for spell casting, but dresses like a witch regardless. She's good with potions, though.


Lady Ann[]


 The proprietor of Kardia town's inn. Has a son (Zavier) and a daughter (Tori).




  Voiced By: Mai Aizawa (JP); Karen Strassman (EN) (Frontier)



 A nurse and, in Frontier, sister in training. In the original game she's the daughter of the local clergy and helps at the hospital, but in Frontier she's running the local infirmary all on her own.




  Voiced By: Mayu Arishima (JP); Kari Wahlgren (EN) (Frontier)



 The daughter of local gourmet Jasper de Saint-Coquille, who lives in the largest house in town. She comes off as a bit snobby, but she's really a nice girl.




 The daughter of Mayor Godwin. She fell ill a year before the game begins, but tries her hardest to help out in spite of her poor health.




 Lady Ann's daughter. She is rather shy around people, so she likes to surround herself with books from the library.




  Voiced By: Akemi Sato (JP); Bridget Hoffman (EN)



  Bianca's elven caretaker. She loves the idea of humans and monsters working together. Later moves to Trampoli, then spends some time on Finis Island.




 A wandering woman who enjoys fishing. She's supposedly on a mission, but she'll never say what it is.




 A woman who lives on the outskirts of town. She is invariably drawn to caverns and ruins.




 A commander from the Sechs military. She comes to town after you beat the game, and you can court and marry her.




 A wandering merchant who stops by the village on holidays to sell his goods.




  Russell's half-elven adopted daughter. Loves to go exploring (regardless of potential danger) and collecting pretty stones. Best friends with Nicholas, the only other villager her age.




  Sabrina's son. Can either be found with his best friend, Cecilia or hanging out at Neumann's store.




  Lady Ann's son and Tori's older brother. An avid explorer who often tries to compete with Raguna.


Rune Factory 2[]


The first protagonist of the second game. Like the first, he stumbles into a town with no memories and is given a farm to tend to.

Aaron and Aria[]


  Kyle's children. Depending on which gender you choose, the player can play as Aaron (the boy) or Aria (the girl) for the second half of the game.




  A elven girl returning from the original game. Is set to marry Jake if you don't marry her first.




  A slightly ditzy girl who is the first person Kyle meets in-game. She dreams of becoming a teacher. Likes Pink Turnips.




  A half-elf. He hates humans, and has a crush on Cecilia.

  • Character Development: Attempted. His hatred of people is more or less completely nonexistent by the second generation. Understandable if he winds up marrying a human. Apparently motiveless if otherwise.
    • Not exactly. He still thinks that elves are superior on the second generation, but the fact that he no longer hates people means that he's warmed up to the people around him.
  • Does Not Like People: Literally.
  • Fantastic Racism: He hates humans. Naturally, he hates you. Even more so if you decide to court Cecilia.
  • Half-Human Hybrid
  • Jerkass: Thankfully he gets better by the 2nd Generation.
  • Pointy Ears
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy



  A little girl who lives in the church with her older sister. She fixes Training Plans for your character to help him, and can "marry" your child.




  A traveling merchant who comes to town to sell her wares.




  A shy girl who constantly wears a hood and carries around her doll, Fern. If you pursue her, you help with her shyness issues.




  The son of the local doctor, Ray is a aspiring doctor as well. In the Second Chapter, he takes over the position.




  Sister of Ray and the resident fortune teller. Her mother disproves of her fun lifestyle, so they are constantly at feuds.




  A sweet and kind girl who works and owns the local bathhouse. If you marry her, you get free baths that restore your HP. Otherwise, you pay for them.




  The female heir to the De Saint Coquille fortune. Rosalind is kind and generous, though you may not see it at first. Her best friend is her maid, Cecilia.




  The mayor's son. Constantly indifferent towards everyone and everything, and appears to be close to Dorothy. Naturally, he's your rival if you go for Dorothy.




  The male heir to the De Saint Coquille fortune. He's kind and generous, but a bit proud for his own sake.

  • Camp Straight
  • Faux Action Guy: One of his errands involves getting a item for him from a monster to claim as his own.
  • Fridge Horror: If Herman is his father... what's Max going to grow up to look like?
  • Green Eyes
  • Official Couple: With Julia, although they don't seem to have a lot of scenes together.
  • Spoiled Sweet
  • Sexy Mentor: In the second Generation he flirts with Aaron/Aria depending on the Festival. This is somewhat averted seeing as how Aaron/Aria seems to be disturbed by his actions.



  The local weaponsmith. She's got a obsession with weaponry, and sends your character on monster hunting quests. This expands your variety of weapons in the second chapter, though it doesn't do much in the first chapter. Notable that her quests are replayable.

  • BFS: Has several in her house.
  • Bottle Fairy: Hinted at in one of Julia's errands. She apparently brought a sword with her into the bathhouse and was swinging it around, frightening the other patrons. When you return it, Tanya mentions that she may have had a few drinks that day...
  • Faux Action Girl: At the end of her training quests, it's revealed that she has never fought, and only makes weapons because she loves blacksmithing.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • Hot Mom: Many people wish that she was a marriageable candidate.
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • White Haired Pretty Girl



  The patriarch of the De Saint Coquille family. Very influential on the town, and holds most of the festivals and contests.

  • Big Eater: Will accept any gift "as long as it's food". This is not true, he only acknowledges Curry Rice as a gift on his birthday, and not all of his statements about food are true. However, he still has a large preference for food.
  • Expy: The required Gourmet.
  • Gonk
  • Ugly Guys Hot Daughter: He's the gonk.



  Mana's father. He owns and runs the general store. His worst fear is that someone will steal his daughter's heart.




  Dorothy and Cammy's father and pastor of the Alvarna Church. Bears a scar over his right eye from his warrior past. Drinking buddies with Natalie and Douglas.


  • Boisterous Bruiser: Especially when he's around Douglas.
  • Good Shepherd: Though a bit more unorthodox than the usual priest, judging from how he has no problem with drinking or seeing a bride get stolen from her groom at the altar.
  • Kick the Dog: A groom gets his bride stolen from him right at the altar. Gordon finds the whole thing hilarious and tells the groom to just laugh it off. "Real men roll with the punches!"
  • Retired Badass: So he claims, anyway.
  • The Rival: To Douglas.
  • Tetsu Inada



  The mayor of Alvarna. He handles all of your construction jobs, however, he makes you pay and get the wood. Has problems getting along with his son, Barrett.




 Jake's father and the local innkeeper.




  The local doctor. She has a difficult relationship with her daughter, Alicia, and Ray has to always break them up when they argue. Though she wants both of her children to go into the medical field, only Ray has interest in it.




  Cammy's friend and son of Tanya. He becomes a "marriageable candidate" in the second chapter.




  The daughter of Max and Julia (or Yue, if you married Julia), and a potential "marriageable candidate". Only appears in chapter 2.




  The son of Dorothy (or Yue) and Barrett, and another potential "marriageable candidate". Often mistaken for a girl, and annoyed by it. He is also hinted to be a aspiring chef.




  The son of Cecilia (or Yue) and Jake, and another potential "marriageable candidate". Though his parents are half-elf, half-human (or in Yue's case, fully human), Orland considers himself fully of elfen blood. Only appears in the second chapter.


Sera and Serena[]


  Twin sisters, and the daughters of Rosalind (or Yue) and Ray. Once again, another potential "marriageable candidate". Only appears in the second chapter.


Rune Factory Frontier[]

Sister Stella[]


  A nun who works at the Trampoli Church and offers to give Raguna shelter when he first arrives in town.




  A fellow farmer who sells a variety of crops. He's the most competitive character to date. If you give him turnip he'll be "so happy he'll cry".




  Voiced By: Yoshihiro Kanemitsu (JP)



  Owner of the grocery shop in the business district. Having been the only shop in town has made him complacent, so his store offers very few products and poor service.

  • Bishonen
  • Brown Eyes
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After Rosetta runs him out of business, he's hired to work at Materia.
  • Picky Eater: He hates vegetables so much that he'll try not to touch them when he has to pick up your shipments.
  • Unknown Rival: He considers Rosetta his enemy because her shop gets way more business than his own.
    • Not so much unknown, as he confronts her eventually.



  Voiced By: Yoshihiro Kanemitsu (JP); Blake Lewis (EN)



  A soft-spoken carpenter who lives just outside the town. He harbors a dark past.




  Voiced By: Orikasa Fumiko (JP); Wendee Lee (EN)



  A book lover who gets so wrapped up in her hobby that she sometimes forgets to do other things, such as eating and sleeping.




  Voiced By: Rie Tanaka (JP); Cristina Valenzuela (EN)



  A magician who loves to fish, but hates to talk. Though she's a magic prodigy she hasn't used her gift in a long time. One of Kanno's granddaughters.




  A young girl who can speak to runeys and produce Rune Wonders through song. Cinnamon's younger sister, and Kanno's younger granddaughter. Often seen with Ganesha's son Marco, though later travels to Finis Island in order to research the spiritual phenomena there.




  Voiced By: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP); Sherry Lynn (EN)



  An oddly-dressed girl who comes from an Eastern nation in search of her brother.




  A traveling artist and salesman who visits the town during the holidays to sell home improvement items.




  Voiced By: Kana Ueda (JP); Karen Strassman (EN)



  The daughter of Rita and Turner. She a sweet girl who helps them out at the inn, and is at constant war with her weight.



Rff-irises 6634

 Voiced By:

Blanche: Sakura Nogawa (JP); Michelle Ruff (EN)

Noire: Rina Satou (JP); Michelle Ruff (EN)



  A girl who lives in a tower on Whale Island. She has a twin sister, who is also named Iris. Gelwein names them as "Iris Blanche" and "Iris Noire" to tell them apart.


 Raguna: "That's a very cute chitter."

Iris Blanche: "That's... an apple..."

  • Official Couple: With Raguna. In Rune Factory Oceans, it's stated that their Rank 10 love event was completed, uniting the two of them into one being again. This is the only confirmed Rank 10 love event completed. You're still free to marry whichever heroine you want though.
  • One Steve Limit: Subverted and played straight, in an odd way. While there are two independent characters named Iris (they even split up on rare occasions), they are actually two manifestations of the same person. They remain two separate people until you clear the 10LP event and merge them back together.
  • Our Vampires Are Different
  • Single-Minded Twins: Not really twins, but the only difference between the two is that one will occaisonally mention a drawing and one will occaisonally use tarot cards. Otherwise all their dialogue is the same.
  • Skippable Boss: Noire, if Blanche likes you enough.
  • Talking to Herself: Only in the American localization, in which both are voiced by Michelle Ruff.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Noire.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Both push grade A.



  An elven blacksmith. She's not as strong as a dwarf, but her attention to detail makes up for that.




  Ganesha's fiery-tempered son. Dreams of becoming a master swordsman.



Rff-annette 6481

  Voiced By: Kana Asumi (JP); Hynden Walch (EN)



  The mail girl for Trampoli, and later on Finis Island. Frequently chased by monsters.


 Anette: "Pull on me to make me grow taller!"

Raguna: "...You're kidding, right?"




  A loud, abrasive man who shows up in Trampoli at the beginning of Fall. Seems to harbor a grudge against Raguna.




  A mysterious scientist who once researched experimental uses of runes. Often speaks with Iris Blanche.




  Tabatha's sister who comes to stay in Trampoli temporarily. Has a tendency to say harsh things.


Rune Factory 3[]

Micah (JP: Mais)[]


  Voiced By: Ryoko Shiraishi (JP); Todd Haberkorn (EN)



  An odd young man who can transform into a Woolly by means of a Transformation Trinket. Like the other two games in the main series, he ends up in town with no memories and is given a farm to tend.


Shara (JP: Sia)[]


  Voiced By: Yukari Fukui (JP); Caitlin Glass (EN)



  The canon heroine, a girl who tends the flower shop with Wells and Monica.




  The town mayor and Shara's grandfather. Dislikes monsters and thinks them all bloodthirsty creatures, even the cute ones.

  • Fantastic Racism: The biggest example in the series. He's not such a bad guy; it's just a blind spot he can't seem to get over.



  Sia's little sister. Gets angry and upset around strangers.


Gaius (JP: Gadzhi)[]


  The town blacksmith. Ostensibly a dwarf, although he looks more like an elf. Generally a friendly guy all around and nonplussed by anything.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Has a crush on Evelyn but she only thinks of him as nothing more than a friend.
    • After you get married, she offers to wear the engagement ring he made her and walk around with him, which implies that there's hope.
  • Cannot Talk to Women: He get's really flustered around Evelyn.
  • Doing It for the Art: Sort of. He forges weapons because he enjoys it, not for the money. He even mentions that without Raven running the store he'd go bankrupt.
  • Eye Scream: Implied. He alludes to a mining accident that he lost his right eye in.
  • Forgets to Eat: Or sleep, or do anything else when he's working.
    • In one quest, Raven admits she makes sure they "run out" of ore when it's time for him to take a break.
  • Ho Yay: With Micah. Giving him a valuable ore prompts him to ask if there's "any hidden meaning to this", with Micah becoming visibly flustered.
    • Which is to say nothing about some of the times he openly teases Micah out of the blue.
  • The Illegible: He keeps a diary, but you won't be able to make out a word of it. If he's there when you try to read it, he'll admit that he can't either.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Utterly averted: he's a bishie-looking pointy-eared blunette with an eternally friendly demeanor.
  • The Tease: He seems to get a kick out of Micah's reactions.

Raven (JP: Toona)[]


  Voiced By: Emiri Katou (JP)



  Gaius's apprentice. Mostly silent and sour-faced, although she's hiding a secret.




  Runs the general store with her daughter, Karin. Often upset at the latter's laziness.

  • Hot Shounen Mom: Teases Micah once he's greatly befriended her, claiming that he's just her type. Hazel and Shinonome, while both very youthful and attractive in appearance, are not marriage candidates. Marjorie even lampshades this by asking which one of the two would be your type.
  • Sweet Tooth: Loves cake.
  • Tsundere: Type B. She doesn't like letting it show how much she actually cares about Karina, although she does refer to her as her "stupid" daughter.

Karina (JP: Karin)[]


  Voiced By: Shizuka Ito (JP)



  Hazel's daughter. Slacker who wants to leave the little town she's in and enter high society.

  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Hidden Depths: She dreams of going to the city. At one point she actually starts working in order to get enough money to go.
  • Informed Flaw / Hollywood Pudgy At the beach, she claims she ate too much last winter and laments that "swimsuits can't hide reality". For the record, this is Karin in her swimsuit.
  • Pettanko: In her normal clothes. Oddly averted when she's in her bathing suit.
  • Skirt Over Slacks: The official artwork has her wearing shorts underneath her skirt.
  • The Slacker: To the point where every word out of her mouth is accompanied by either a yawn or a sarcastic, tired remark.
    • And if you marry her, she will rarely even make a lunch for you--and if she does, expect something extremely unspectacular.
  • Secret Diary: You find an old one that goes "Dear Diary, I realized today it's too much trouble to keep writing in you, so I won't."
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl

Carmen (JP: Ion)[]


  Voiced By: Haruka Tomatsu (JP); Caitlin Glass (EN)



  A tomboy who loves fishing as much as her hat.

  • Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male: She hits Micah quite often, even when you're proposing to her.
  • Hollywood Pudgy One of her quests involves her asking what sorts of girls you like. One question is if you prefer plump or slender girls, and she's happiest if you say you like plump girls. She must be talking plump in the chest, because she's certainly not plump in the waist!
  • Incest Subtext: She's rather... attached to her brother. Their introduction scene has them going totally melodramatic about her going out to go fishing, complete with "My dear brother/my beloved sister"s, and both talk about having trouble finding a boy/girlfriend as good as their sibling.
  • Nice Hat
  • Tomboy
  • Tsundere: Type B.
  • You Gotta Have Green Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki



  Carmen's big brother. May be considered a jock. Highly protective of Carmen.

  • Estrogen Brigade Bait: He spends all his time in a frayed tanktop that barely covers his tanned and tattooed muscles.
  • Ho Yay: With the main character. Give him a gift he loves on his birthday and he'll ask if he can kiss you (though you do decline). Not to mention when he tells the main character to stare at him instead of the ladies during the Beach Festival.
    • The Beach Festival seems more like he's just trying to make sure you're not looking at the ladies, one of whom is his sister.
  • Incest Subtext: He's rather... attached to his sister. Their introduction scene has them going totally melodramatic about her going out to go fishing, complete with "My dear brother/my beloved sister"s, and both talk about having trouble finding a boy/girlfriend as good as their sibling.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Simply attempting to go foraging for materials with Carmen causes Carlos to fly into an insurmountable rage.
  • You Gotta Have Green Hair

Shino (JP: Shinonome)[]


  Runs the local eastern-themed inn, where passing travellers stay. It was shortened to just 'Shino' in the English version. In a dialogue, she even mentions to just call her by 'Shino'.


 Shino: "Micah?"

Micah: "...Yes?"

Shino: "You're pretty cute now that I've gotten a good look at you."

    • Sadly, she isn't a marriage candidate. Neither is Hazel. Marjorie even lampshades this by asking which one of the two would be your type.
  • My Beloved Smother: After Pia tell her about how you showed her your "thing," she off-handedly mentions to Micah about her sharp, sharp swords. She ends up giving you a sword as a gift, but you can't help but be afraid.
  • Mysterious Past: Multiple hints are dropped by her daughter and even herself that she used to do dangerous work in a previous job. She also knows an awful lot about weapons and training, and has a habit of trying to train any great fighter she lays eyes on.



  Voiced By: Ryoko Shintani (JP)



  Shino's daughter. Runs the curio store. Has a largely childlike personality, but is dead serious when it comes to money. Also a horrible cook.

  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: With Persia/Pia, and you can join in in one request.
  • Lethal Chef
  • Hime Cut
  • Odango: Seems to have them of the covered variety, though they may just be hair decs. They vanish in her swimsuit, replaced by a ponytail, but it's hard to see if she has one in her normal profile.
  • Wingding Eyes: Give her something valuable and a G symbol will appear in her eye.

Pia (JP: Persia)[]


  Voiced By: Aya Endo (JP)



  A happy-go-lucky mermaid who runs the baths in the inn. Has an odd fascination with squid.


  Persia/Pia: So you see, squids are evil. I will eat them. I will eat them ALL.


Daria (JP: Dahlia)[]


  Voiced By: Yui Horie (JP)



  An elf artist who stays in the forest just out of town. Highly passionate about her works.


Blaise (JP: Gluten)[]


  Proprietor of the local restaurant. Sells you recipe bread.

  • Hot Dad
  • Supreme Chef: He is the primary chef for the entire village. Even Sherman greatly approves of his cooking and asks for more when eating at the diner.
  • Noodle Incident: Marjorie, Wells and Daria will mention an incident where he had too much wine at a festival, and that's all that any of them will say on the subject. Marjorie and Wells will simply ask you to talk to Blaise about it and Daria begs you to stop asking her to go on. Obviously, he doesn't like being given wine.

Collette (JP: Chocolat)[]


  Voiced By: Eri Kitamura (JP)



  Gluten's daughter, who works as a waitress in her father's restaurant. Very childlike and innocent.




  Gluten's son and Chocolat's brother. Strongly dislikes vegetables.


Marian (JP: Marion)[]


  Voiced By: Ayumi Fujimura



  The local Cute Witch. Helps her grandmother run the magic hospital and formulates new medicines in her spare time.




  Marion's grandmother. Runs the magic hospital, which sells staves, magic books and medicine. This is also where you'll end up if you faint, even in a dungeon.

  • Racist Grandma: Averted; she admits to Kuruna that she used to hate the Univir, but once she gets to meet them, she has no prejudices.

Sherman (JP: Donchachos)[]


  The patriarch of the local branch of the De Saint Coquille family. Like his relatives in other parts, is a Big Eater. Unlike his relatives, he has a tendency to say the opposite of what he means.

  • Big Eater: Although Evelyn has put him on a diet.
  • Gonk: As usual for the De Saint Coquille families.



  Voiced By: Minori Chihara (JP)



  Donchachos' daughter. Like her father, she has the habit of saying the opposite of what she means.


Evelyn (JP: Elisa)[]


  Sherman's daughter and Sophia's elder sister. She's travelled the world and gained many ideas on fashion, some of which are a bit odd.


Kuruna (EN: Cururufa)[]


  One of the horned people, and the headswoman of the Monster Village. Dislikes humans and has a sweet tooth. Always accompanied by her pet fireball, Will.


Ondorous (JP: Ondolfa)[]


  One of the horned people. A powerful magician, he seeks Micah's help in bringing together the people of Siarensu and the Monster Village.


Zaid (JP: Zeze)[]


  Resident of the Monster Village. A young man with cat-like eyes and markings.


Rune Factory Tides of Destiny[]

Aden (JP: Azel)[]


  Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (JP); Ted Sroka (EN)



  An outgoing, friendly individual and the male protagonist, he shares a somewhat playful relationship with Sonja, his childhood friend for whom he cares for deeply. Due to various circumstances, he is whisked away to another world at the beginning of the game and, as a result, must share his body with Sonja’s consciousness. Can be a bit head-strong and values the friendship of others.


Sonja (JP: Sonia)[]


  Voiced By: Ai Shimizu (JP); Jessica Straus (EN)



  A cheerful young woman with a bright personality, she is the female protagonist and is ultimately forced to cohabit Aden’s body as a result of losing her own, which, unsurprisingly, causes some complications. Nevertheless, her sunny disposition is rarely dampened, though she easily falls victim to jealousy. Deeply cares for Aden and has the ability to sing the Spirit Song.


  • Action Girl: Inevitable, what with her being a protagonist.
  • Childhood Marriage Promise: With Aden.
  • Color Coded For Your Convenience: Sonja? She's the one with pink hair.
  • Easy Amnesia: Subverted. It's been emphasized that Sonja, like Aden, does not have amnesia, marking her as one of the first protagonists in the series to not have such.
  • Feminine Women Can Cook: It's repeatedly established that Sonja does all of the cooking in her and Aden's relationship, and she claims Aden is only bad at cooking because she always does it for him.
    • In an odd case of Gameplay and Story Integration, if you choose to play as Sonja after her and Aden's separation and didn't level Aden's cooking skill much, Sonja's cooking skill is automatically bumped up to 40.
  • First Girl Wins: Should the player have Aden marry her.
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water
  • Freaky Is Cute: Sonja thinks everything is cute. Even the creepy mantis-bug monsters you can tame.
  • Friendship Moment: As previously mentioned, has one early on in the game with Aden, and later on, after the final battle, when her childhood friend protects her as the two free-fall back to earth.
  • Grand Theft Me: Has her body stolen at the beginning of the game by the Masked Man, who then uses it to arrive at various ends.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Because of their current circumstances, Sonja will become increasingly more jealous as Aden develops his relationships with those of the opposite gender.
  • Green Eyes: Prominent in that they are rather unique amongst Fenith Island's population, and one of her more notable physical traits.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here: She can be renamed, too.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Like Aden, she has access to some rather odd choices of weapons, such as the previously mentioned giant fireworks.
  • Magic Music: Her Spirit Song has the ability to evoke certain happenings, allowing her to achieve tasks few others can.
  • Nice Hat: Or headband-thingy.
  • Official Couple: She and Aden; he, as well, starts off with LP instead of FP
  • Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Again, relates to the "Color Coded" trope above in concerns to her and Aden.
  • Plucky Girl: Despite being forced to live in another's body as a virtual spirit for an unspecified amount of time, on top of being trapped in a world that's not her own, her naturally bright disposition is rarely dampened.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Her pink hair is one of her most defining physical features.
  • Sharing a Body: What she must do with Aden. Of note, however, is Sonja's ability to take control of Aden somewhat, which allows her to accomplish tasks she otherwise would not be able to do, given the circumstances; others can also communicate with her, to some degree. Nevertheless, it still proves to be awkward for Sonja, of course, as she must comply with Aden's rules during various - and sometimes uncomfortable - situations.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Though she was universally called Sonia before her dub name was announced, Sonja is a valid way to interpret her original name.
  • Sweet Tooth: If you stand still long enough as Aden when she's still trapped in your body, she'll start babbling about wanting pie or pudding or tarts.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Should the player decide to have Aden become betrothed to any other possible marriageable candidate aside from her.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: Should the player decide to have Aden become betrothed to Sonja.
  • You Could See Me?: Joe could see her when she was still trapped in Aden's body.



  Voiced By: Kikuko Inoue (JP); GK Bowles (EN)



  The oldest of the three main heroines, she treats her younger sisters, Odette and Violet, with a motherly attitude and has an overall calm disposition. While clumsy and a terrible cook, she is very skilled at the lute and so functions as Fenith Island’s bard during the evenings at the local inn, “Sisters,” which she helps run. Is one of several that can sing the Spirit Song.




  Voiced By: Masumi Asano (JP); Rachel Hirschfield (EN)



  The first person both Aden and Sonja meet upon arriving at Fenith Island, she helps the two become acquainted to their new surroundings and offers them housing neighboring the inn, “Sisters,” for which she acts as the chef. Has a scar under her right eye and on her upper right arm, and is the middle sister of the three main heroines. While friendly and a generally welcoming individual, she can exhibit some tsundere tendencies. Also acts as Fenith Island’s priestess, and can sing the Spirit Song. She is good friends with Sierra.


  • Gosh Dang It to Heck: "I'm here to save your bacon!"
  • Improbable Hairstyle: In a setting where the majority of folks have rather sane hair, Odette arguably stands out the most.
  • Magic Music: Like Sonja, her singing has the power to evoke certain happenings or events.
  • Miko: Is this to Fenith Island's Descended Dragon, and often dutifully accepts a wide range of monetary donations for its shrine, as well as cares for its egg once it departs back to the Forest of Beginnings.
  • People Puppets: Frequently undergoes this while channeling the Descended Dragon's spirit.
  • Powers Via Possession: Complete with altered eye color and a distinctly different voice. She has some degree of control over this, however, which proves useful in many a situation.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has an aforementioned scar under her right eye - which is actually quite cute - as well as an aforementioned and arguably more prominent one upon her upper right arm, of which is partially concealed by an armband.
  • Supreme Chef: Is a great cook, so much so that she utilizes this for the inn's patrons.
  • Tsundere: Can display traits of this at times, particularly in concerns to Aden.
  • You Gotta Have Lavender Hair: In stark contrast to her two sisters, who have hair colors that are considerably more normal.

Violet (JP: Iris)[]


  Voiced By: Kana Hanazawa (JP); Megan Harvey (EN)



  The youngest of the three main heroines, she helps her older sisters, Lily and Odette, run the inn, and acts as Fenith Island’s nurse. Has a shy, somewhat reticent personality, and finds it rather difficult talking to Aden, with whom she falls in love with at first sight. Enjoys gardening, and, like her sisters, can sing the Spirit Song.




  Voiced By: Sakura Tange (JP); Lauren Landa (EN)



  Daughter of Beatrix, the matriarch of the Hattain sub-branch of the wealthy de Sainte-Coquille clan, she is a hardworking and diligent individual who, on top of acting as Fenith Island's representative in her mother's stead, strives to help earn funds for her family, which is rather strapped for cash. Nevertheless, she maintains an optimistic outlook on things and likes to help others. In her spare time, she enjoys crafting accessories and studying in secret in the hopes of one day attending a school in the city. She is good friends with her maid, Maerwen.


  • Curtains Match the Window: Demonstrated with her blue hair and blue eyes.
  • Non-Idle Rich: Amongst her other duties as representative of Fenith Island, she does a lot of the housework and some part-time jobs, which she doesn't necessarily mind, though much to her maid, Maerwen's, chagrin.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Certainly one of the fancier ones seen on any character, and even has tools and various clothier paraphernalia in the pockets and otherwise about, likely used for her accessory crafting.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is often referred to as "Electra."
  • Spoiled Sweet: Considering her (albeit-wavering) wealth, she is a very selfless individual.

Sierra (JP: Sarah)[]


  Voiced By: Fumie Mizusawa (JP); GK Bowles (EN)



  An extroverted tomboy who co-runs the general store, “Twins,” with her twin brother, Bismarck, she largely lacks motivation to do her job, preferring instead to skip work to have fun elsewhere. Easy-going and a bit absent-minded at times, she can occasionally speak without thinking, to the chagrin of some. Is good friends with Odette, with whom she visits while procrastinating.




  Voiced By: Kanae Ito (JP); Stephanie Misa (EN)



  A spirited adolescent who is Fenith Island’s resident blacksmith and lives at her shop with her older brother, James, she fashions partially-mechanical golems during her spare time, and displays an inordinate knowledge of the subject. While she often speaks harshly to others and has no qualms about saying disparaging comments, she has a kind heart. Frequently uses Aden as a personal guinea pig for her newest creations.


  • The Blacksmith: In addition to her smithy work, she also makes and uses golems, as mentioned above. One of these runs the weapons shop, "Chronos," for her.
  • Blue Eyes: Shares this and her blonde hair with her brother.
  • Expy: Her character design bears uncanny resemblance to Rin Kagamine.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Is this to some degree, given the partially-mechanical nature of the golems she builds, though sometimes her experimentations fail her. Otherwise, her expertise knowledge does not seem to deviate from this area much.
  • Mad Scientist: In that she often forces Aden into being a test dummy for her newest golem creations, as stated above, and it is also suggested that she urges Aden and Sonja to let her dissect Ymir, their sea-faring giant.
  • The Napoleon: Though whether her ill-mannered behaviour stems from her height - or lack thereof - or otherwise is not quite known.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: The violent storm to James' calm, so to speak.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is occasionally referred to as "Helena."
  • Sweet Tooth: She likes her chocolate chip cookies.
  • Third Person Person: Has a tendency to somewhat randomly lapse into this.
  • Tsundere: Frequently displays her temper, and even goes so far as to call James an "idiot."



  Voiced By: Yuu Kobayashi (JP); Erika Weinstein (EN)



  A stoic and very formal onna-bugeisha, or lady-samurai, hailing from the Far East, she works as a hired guard charged with protecting Fenith Island’s borders and speaks sparsely of her past. While she lacks confidence in herself as a person, she trains diligently every morning to become a stronger warrior. Ordinarily composed, she can, at times, show sudden bursts of anger or other emotions, particularly if she is comfortable with someone or in close proximity to a cute animal.


  • Bifauxnen: To the point where Fenith Island's residents aren't quite sure she's a woman.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Comes into effect, somewhat, with her grey eyes and black hair.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is said to be something close to this.
  • Important Haircut: After having a heartfelt conversation with Aden concerning her past, Mikoto receives one, considering it a symbol of rebirth and a declaration of self-confidence.
  • Lady of War: Gives off an impression of this.
  • Onna-bugeisha: Though unwillingly, she is this to the best of her abilities.
  • The Stoic: Both played straight and subverted. While she more often than not can be seen with an unflappable disposition, she can have her moments. Of course, these are only prevalent once her Relationship Values have been raised enough, or when a small critter happens by her path.
  • Seven Heavenly Virtues: Given her profession, she seems to practice the majority of these.
  • Tsundere: So much so that she even threatens to slice Aden in two should he, supposedly, attempt anything "unwholesome."
  • Why Did It Have To Be Water?: Upon asking her why she is rarely seen on the beach despite her fondness of the ocean, a flustered Mikoto admits to Aden and Sonja that she does not swim. And after a conversation further concerning this, she offhandedly alludes to her possible aquaphobia. Seems like she overcomes her fears somewhat in the end, though.



  Voiced By: Ryo Hirohashi (JP); Karen Strassman (EN)



  An outwardly cold Dark Elf who serves as the de Sainte-Coquilles' maid, she is good friends with Elektra, though is often frustrated by her constant menial working. Indeed, she can appear easily exacerbated with others and frequently expresses this, though, ultimately, she is a kind individual appreciative of others. She reads in her spare time, and can be rather sensitive about her heritage in certain situations. Deeply cherishes the garden to which she tends.


  • Dub Name Change: To Maerwen, from Melprine.
  • Kuudere: Is this to a fault, though raising her Relationship Values inevitably helps to melt her icy demeanor.
  • Meganekko: She wears a pair of rather stylish rectangular glasses, though takes them off during certain situations.
  • Our Elves Are Different: Seems to be a part of a growing trend in the Rune Factory universe, though she doesn't necessarily mind her position in life. Additionally, she frequently makes a direct reference to "Dark Elves," even mentioning that her odd name means something to the affect of "white flowers on the water" among her people.
  • Pointy Ears: Has these, of course, though unlike previous representations of those of her race, her ears are at a more perpendicular, somewhat down-facing position upon her head.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": "Merupurin," "Melprin," "Melpurin"...
  • Unusual Eyebrows: Hers, at first glance, almost appear to be tattoos of some sort, though the reason they're like that has yet to be explained.
  • You Gotta Have Green Hair: But of course.



  Voiced By: Yukari Tamura (JP); Hunter Mackenzie Austin (EN)



  A demon encased in stone for several centuries due to a petrifaction spell gone awry, she is eventually released from her prison by Aden and Sonja, with whom she forms a peculiar relationship. Despite initial denial as to her nature, she later on becomes much more open about discussing her true identity and intentions of world domination, and often displays the ability to turn a conversation in any direction of her choosing. While somewhat menacing, she also can be kind to others. Eventually lives at the church and becomes a friend to Kilt in particular.


  • Affably Evil: Even when plotting to take over the world, she's awfully friendly to both Aden and Sonja, especially. The three can strike up a nice, somewhat friendly conversation, for example, only to have Pandora easily turn their chat around into a dark and menacing exchange, then back to amiable banter again soon thereafter. She also proves relatively helpful later on in the game. Additionally, she seems to be on relatively good terms with Fenith Island's younger citizens, one of whom addresses her as "Devil-chan."
  • And I Must Scream: Was trapped under the ocean as a statue for at least 400 years, remaining aware of her surroundings the entire time with only fish to talk to. According to her, the fish were poor conversationalists.
  • Bowdlerise: Most of the references to her being a demon are replaced with Arch-Sorceress in the english version. Her father is referred to as a Fiend at least once though.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Inverted, as they don't necessarily make her look any less menacing, and, arguably, help to add to her already somewhat sinister appearance.
  • Dark Magic: Was once able to wield such power, though she is no longer able to do so.
  • Evil Overlord With An F in Evil: Hard to say what she’s worst at, the “sorceress”, or the “evil” part.
  • Expressive Clothes: That floaty scarf thing she has reacts to her emotions, hovering casually when she is calm, for example, or twisting slightly when she is angered.
  • Four Is Death: Likely the reason she amasses a total of four followers.
  • Half-Human Hybrid
  • Holy Burns Evil: Don't ever give her rosary beads.
  • Improbable Hairstyle: Rather peculiar, given her hair's half-down half-pigtail nature, though certainly not the most odd.
  • Late Arrival Spoiler: Introduces herself as "the dark lord," though she quickly corrects herself and states she's "merely a mage." Later on, however, she is not entirely shy about discussing her true title, as mentioned previously.
  • Meaningful Name: Pandora is often associated with the Greek woman who, albeit accidentally, released evil upon the world.
  • Most Definitely Not a Villain
  • Older Than She Looks: Though she doesn't appear so, she is over four-hundred years old, due largely to the accidental petrifaction mentioned above, as well as her ensuing suspended animation. This is also supported by her antiquated style of speech.
  • Our Demons Are Different: While she can, at times, exhibit more stereotypical traits associated with her race, such as intolerance of holy objects, she has no issues dwelling within Fenith Island's church once she has been fully revived from her petrifaction. Furthermore, she's capable of being rather amiable and even helpful, as previously mentioned.
  • People Puppets: Actually becomes possessed by her own father several times, as he disapproves of her being in a relationship with Aden, as well as for other various reasons.
  • Pettanko: According to Quinn, Pandora is "just like her." She's not happy to hear that from her.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Technically, it's supposed to be "Pandra" - at least according to the pre-order material - but that's not nearly as cool.
  • Talking to Herself: She shares a voice actress with Quinn in the English dub, with whom she has regular interaction.
  • Unusual Ears: Has these, of course, which widen at the top and are slightly segmented by ridges, perhaps reinforcing her demonic background.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Somewhat helps to subvert the stereotypes common to her race, and additionally exhibits Purple Eyes that arguably help to accentuate her pride and light arrogance.
  • World Domination: Dialogue reveals this is her ultimate goal, despite her initial denial. She then goes on to induct Aden and Sonja as her chief followers, discusses her strategical tactics with them, and recruits Quinn and Kelsey, two children, to her cause.



  Voiced By: Hiroyuki Yoshino (JP) Matthew Mercer (EN)



  An intrepid merchant who cares for his sister, Elena, he exhibits a cordial and gentlemanly air. Valuing politeness, he has no qualms about chastising his younger sibling for her at-times rude behavior, though nevertheless dotes on her frequently. Kind and down-to-earth, he is an amiable and welcoming individual.


  • Big Brother Instinct: Has this toward Elena, to the point of giving warning to Aden that he will "not hand her out so freely."
    • His dedication to his sister is a huge part of his character. A lot of his dialogue is about her (compared to the virtually none from Elena about him) and he even claims to forget his own birthday while preparing for hers.
  • Blue Eyes: Shares this and his blonde hair with his sister.
  • Intrepid Merchant: Is this in part, selling a wide variety of wares ranging from house expansions to lottery tickets he presumably obtains elsewhere.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Though, admittedly, said long hair is tied in a loose ponytail.
  • Nice Hat: If there is one defining physical trait of James, it's his top hat.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: He is considerably less tempermental than Elena.



  Voiced By: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP); Chris Rickabaugh (EN)



  An extroverted, out-going treasure hunter who lives off the coast of Fenith Island with his sea-faring grandfather, Bacchus, with whom he often disagrees with over the validity of his profession. Nevertheless, he is passionate about what he does, and displays competence at the task. Having a prankster personality, he is no stranger to reprimands and is rather expressive in his emotions and opinions. Upon seeing Sonja for the first time, he instantly falls in love with her.



 Joe: "Since we're so close now, you can call me 'Bro'!"

Aden: "I'm not calling you that..."




  Voiced By: Hideyuki Hayami (JP) Todd Haberkorn (EN)



  A kind, though somewhat reticent, young man who co-runs the general store with his twin sister, Sierra, he is diligent in his work and takes pride in his profession, though is often exacerbated by his sibling’s lack of motivation and his constant need to reprimand her. He notably values chivalry, and will not stand for the unseemly actions of others, particularly if those actions are directed at women. Can sometimes be a bit socially awkward, particularly in concerns to Sonia.


Beatrix (JP: Bonaparte)[]


  Matriarch of the local sub-branch of the de Sainte-Coquille clan, the Hattain, and mother of Elektra, she is a bit of an eccentric that spends the better part of the day in the family's backyard attempting to dig up a buried fortune. Nevertheless, despite her somewhat neglectful ways, she sincerely cares for her daughter. Has the tendency to end words with random suffixes, and enjoys food.


  • Big Eater: Largely seen when she acts as the host and head judge of the annual cooking competition. Electra says she eats five times as much as a normal person.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Her general personality and habits can lean toward being rather bizarre at times.
  • Gender Blender Name: Not only is Bonaparte's (JP Name) name typically associated with a male, but she's voiced by one as well.
  • Gonk: Unforunately for her, she takes after the de Sainte-Coquille fathers.
  • Hands-Off Parenting: She seems to be somewhat unaware that she has a daughter. As stated previously, her time is largely monopolized by searching for a supposed load of wealth, which thus leaves Electra not only to her own devices, but also those inherent with being Fenith Island's representative.
  • Nice Hat: Resembles something akin to a sunhat and bedecked with tuffs of fur, butterfly accessories, and a white rose.
  • Verbal Tic: Has a peculiar propensity for ending certain words with random suffixes.

Quinn (JP: Kilt)[]


  Voiced By: Hunter Mackenzie Austin (EN)



  An orphan, though otherwise generally happy-go-lucky, young girl who lives at Fenith Island's church with her twin brother, Knit, she has a bright and cheerful personality, preferring to play outdoors than be stuck inside. Still, she is perceptive to her sibling's feelings, and so reacts to them accordingly and looks after him the best she can. Helps to clean the chapel in her spare time.


Kelsey (JP: Knit)[]


  Voiced By: Jay D. Stone (EN)



  An orphan, and debilitatingly shy, young boy who lives at Fenith Island's church with his twin sister, Kilt, he has a timid and somewhat sensitive demeanor, favoring time to himself and often opting to say little when prompted. Rather skittish, he regularly relies on his sister's guidance and lead in various situations. Reads books during his spare time, and seems to be a bit taken with Violet, around whom he often feels faint.


Jocelyn (JP: Jaslyn);[]


  Voiced by: Michelle Anne Dunphy (EN)



  A traveling archeologist who visits Fenith Island twice a week, she has a fine eye for item identification, and so will appraise curiosities brought to her by the community's residents. An amiable individual with a calm matter of speech and an approachable demeanor, she is an all-around friendly person. Dresses in fine clothing, and is married.


Father Gerard (JP: Grey)[]


  Voiced By: Kyle Hebert (EN)



  A priest who resides over Fenith Island's church and caretaker of Quinn and Kelsey, he has a rather flamboyant personality and often refers to himself with feminine pronouns. An honest, forthright, and affable individual, he holds the community's trust, and so serves as an emotional guide of sorts. He is fond of cute things and persons, and has taken a bit of a liking to Aden in particular. Presides over the summer's beach activities, and has a scar under his left eye.




  Voiced By: Michael McConnohie (EN)



  Joe's alcoholic grandfather and guardian who lives off of Fenith Island's local pier in a houseboat, he is boisterous and rather outspoken, much to the chagrin of some at times. Has an adventurous attitude and generally attacks things with gusto, particularly fishing, of which he is particularly fond. Is a regular patron of the inn, "Sisters'," bar, and has a bit of a thing for Lily.


  • The Alcoholic: Though, admittedly, he appears to drink simply because he enjoys it, and not for emotional reasons.
  • The Goggles Do Nothing: His appear to be there simply for show, as any use of them is current unknown.
  • Meaningful Name: "Bacchus" is generally associated with that of the Roman god of wine and revelry.
  • Seadog Beard: Who else but him would have this?
  • Scars Are Forever: He's got plenty of scars covering his arms, likely stemming from fishing expeditions of some sort.

The Goblin Pirate Captain[]


  Voiced By: Kyle Hebert (EN)



  Just as his title suggests, he's the captain of a band of goblin pirates that repeatedly causes minor annoyances for Aden and Sonja.


The Masked Man[]


  Voiced By: Patrick Seitz (EN)



  A mysterious, ominous individual who serves as the main antagonist, he ardently pursues Aden and Sonja and constantly causes grievances for them, sometimes opting to physically confront the two if the need should arise. Has a unnatural fixation with the world's various elemental temples and the orbs they house, as well as the mythical Legendary Golem, which appears to be one of the main reasons for his duplicitous actions. Additionally, has a great need for the Spirit Song, and, while he can sing it, often targets others with the same ability. Later revealed to be Sonja's possessed body.


Rune Factory 4[]



  Voiced By: Kouki Uchiyama



  The male protagonist. Volkanon finds him after he has fallen out of an airship and lost his memories. He later becomes the temporary prince of the town and is in charge of expanding and attracting people to it. Like Frey, he can communicate with dragons.




  Voiced By: Chiwa Saito



  The female protagonist. Volkanon finds her after she has fallen out of an airship and lost her memories. She later becomes the temporary princess of the town and is in charge of expanding and attracting people to it, though she struggles with this task. Like Lest, she can communicate with dragons.




  Voiced By: Aoi Yuuki



  The first of the bachelorettes. She is a musician that plays at the restaurant in town. She has a serious but caring personality, and she hates it when people litter.




  Voiced By: Daisuke Namikawa



  The first of the bachelors. He is a butler that helps to train the protagonist, and he himself is in training to become a steward. He speaks politely and tends to take people's words at face value.




  One of the bachelorettes. She enjoys gothic things and has a sarcastic personality.




  The town's elder as well as a butler. He is the first to find the protagonist and helps him/her. He has served the dragons all his life.




  Voiced By: Satomi Satou



  One of the bachelorettes. Also a butterfly monster called Ambrosia.




  Voiced By: Tomokazu Sugita



  One of the bachelors. Also a unicorn monster called Raiden.


  1. changed in the N.A. release to "I'M GONNA BITE YOU!"
  2. which counts as a long sword
  3. Which counts as a hammer-type weapon
  4. counts as a rod-type weapon