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Many pages which reference the Red Dwarf character Ace will contain the in-show response to his arrival. The page itself has three and its Crowning Moment of Awesome several. The Ace even lampshades it. What a guy.
Any mention of the Reavers from Firefly invariably leads to the description of them raping you to death, eating your flesh and sewing your skin into their clothing. If you're lucky, they'll do it in that order.
Any mention of anything remotely sexy from Firefly will lead to someone going to their bunk...
This has popped up in Fetish Fuel discussions from other fandoms as well.
Every separate page in the Final Fantasy series is described as "The (number) entry in the (ridiculous adjective depicting massive body harm)ly popular Final Fantasy series".
There seem to be a lot of crunches, as well. One has to wonder how you make your toe do exercise crunches.
Suzumiya Haruhi: "We've entered an endless recursion of time... Kyon-kun, denwa..." and it keeps going for a thousand more lines.
Questioning Zordon's rules, especially with a Jerkass course of action, will usually result in a variation of "...and that is why you're not a Power Rangers" on the Power Rangers Just Bugs Me page.
Almost every entry in Wearing a Flag on Your Head will make some reference to AMERICA somehow. Even if it's discussing something IN BRAZIL, or AUSTRALIA, or SOME OTHER COUNTRY.
Whenever a page has Letter Bee on it (Truthfully, it needs more recognition), expect to see the word Heart bolded, probably because in the manga, that's how it is.
Whenever anyone mentions just how BadassMickey Mouse is in the Kingdom Hearts series, they will assure you that, yes, they are talking about that Mickey Mouse.
No matter the subject matter, there's a good chance there is an entry mentioning how the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book used that trope. Although this may not have been intended as a running gag, it has emerged as one.
On The Princess and the Frog page 'in other words, perfect Disney tradition!' seems to be one since it's been potholed to this very page.
For WMG: X never wanted to be a Y anyway. He wanted to be... A LUMBERJACK!
Also for WMG: Everything in the series was just X's dying dream/ hallucination
It is not uncommon to see "Necrophilia is awesome" on the Warp That Aesop page
Look on the pages referencing the Pokémon anime and try to find a page that doesn't get Botch's-- ahemButch's name wrong. It will, without fail, be followed by "THE NAME IS BUTCH!"
Statler and Waldorf being at the bottom of the page, with a full list on the page. Includes the page itself.
"The mind boggles..."
Every Fire Emblem page must ask if the characters in their images are Marth and/or Roy. This is usually averted or played with when it is one of them. Subverted with Ike, however.
Any trope related to Those Wacky Nazis usually begins with telling us that, with few exceptions, most people consider the Nazis to have been very, very bad people.
Whenever anyone mentions Hedy[2] Lamarr from Blazing Saddles it must always followed up with 'That's "Hedley!"', a running gag borrowed from the movie itself.