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Rustlers' Rhapsody is a 1985 parody of old B-Westerns, in which the hero Rex O'Herlihan the Singing Cowboy rides his wonder-horse Wildfire into yet another small frontier town to dispense a dose of non-lethal justice to the local Cattle Baron. Only this time, reality finally catches up with Rex, and things do not go entirely as planned...

A fun good-natured little flick, particularly enjoyable for fans of old-time Westerns.

Contains examples of:[]

  • Accidental Aiming Skills: Rex tries to teach Peter how to light his cigarette by shooting the tip. Nervously, Peter cocks the revolver and fires ... only to shoot Rex's hat off his head.
    • In the climactic gunfight, Rex has been wounded in his shooting arm, and his nemesis is about to finish him off. Rex raises his gun, fires, and:

 Peter: "Rex, you shot him in the head! How do you feel about that?"

Rex: [weakly] "I missed his hand."


 Rex: All these western towns are the same.

Pete: Oh no! Oakwood Estates is unique!

Rex: Is the Matron a pretty but somehow asexual schoolmarm?

Pete: Yeah, but--

Rex: Is the Blacksmith a big jolly guy who only gets mad when his barn burns down?

Pete: Yeah...

Rex: Is the newspaper run by an idealistic young journalist who's hawked everything to buy his press?

Pete: Damn! [beat] Oh, wait! I know one thing this town has that the others don't! None of the other towns have--

Rex: The railroad coming through?

Pete: [flabbergasted] All western towns have the railroad coming through?!
