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 George: "There's no way you can beat my thick, hard magnum with that puny torn-up little fist of yours! It's thick! And it's hard! And it's coming to get you!

    • Judging by the fansubs, that was not a mistranslation; and the innuendo was probably not accidental either.
  • Broken Base: Some people believe the final episode is the ultimate fanservice to fans who appreciate the action scenes while other think of it as a useless episode as it does not add anything to the main plot.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The Anime Theme Song, Reckless Fire.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Straight Cougar, Scheris Adjiani, Emergy Maxefell, and Asuka Tachibana are notable examples.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Martin Jigmar. Moreso in the manga, but he also qualifies in the anime where he fights Ryuhou and taunts him into tapping into the other side, allowing him to fuse with Zetsui.
  • Memetic Mutation: Asuka Tachibana: keeper of the Eight Treasure Balls. Really, with a name like that and the quotes that inevitably spring forth, it's like the producers were asking for it. Stop snickering, you at the back.
    • In the manga, there's an exclusive character who fights with a large pole. He and Tachibana end up fighting, and arguing over weather it's more important to have a big pole or big balls.
    • Cougar is also voiced by Crispin Freeman, better known for voicing Jeremiah "STORM OF LOYALTY" Gottwald. This has led to many crossover jokes. (Knight of Cougar, STORM OF RADICAL GOOD SPEED)
  • Narm Charm: A good portion of the show is made up of this entirely, especially in the campy English version.
  • Tear Jerker: Let's be honest. Both Scheris and Ayase's death scenes were heartbreaking. It's made even worse that Ryuhou feels like he should have died and Ayase more-or-less gave out in Kazuma's arms. The music doesn't help things, either.