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Its Item Number
Is SCP Nine Three One
Object Class is Safe.
When viewed or handled,
The item causes people
To write in haiku.

"Hey, look, what's that thing?
Oh, god, it's coming at us!"
Test one completed.

One bigass lizard
Chews through D-class personnel
Like knives through butter.

Just for completeness,
no ref'rence quite done without
--User:Aryn, edited by User:So We Ate Them

Doctor Bright is no
longer allowed to make (more)
edits to this page.

"Interesting" things
Click the links if you want to
Never sleep again.

Standard procedure:
Try to use on 682.
Didn't work, did it?

Antitank rifles?
Foundation, you never learn.
Just throw them away!
--User:Pulpo Oscuro