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  • When SCP-507 came back from a dimension where all the flora screamed, he requested a hug. It was approved.
  • SCP-649: A matchbox which causes blizzard conditions when opened. It was retrieved from a town where several people, mostly mothers who had miscarried, had disappeared. When the matchbox was closed, the disappeared people returned, claiming that "their children had forgiven them." This seems to make no sense until you read the testing logs. Roughly two hours into the test, the sounds of children laughing could be heard through the snow, and three Class-D personal were led away into the snow by a group of small figures. All three Class-D's had had children who died before adolesence.
  • SCP-085, a sentient drawing of a young woman. The whole article is kind of sad, but the things the researchers do for her are wonderful. In a foundation filled with stuff literally hell-bent on destroying all humans, SCP-085 comes across as one of the most heartwarming objects.
    • Someone asked SCP-294 to produce "something Cassy will like". It dispensed an empty cup with a drawing of a glass with a brown liquid in it. The drawing was given to Cassy, who identified it as a chocolate banana milkshake, and said that it was "delicious".
  • While Test Log 4 for SCP-404 is a Crowning Moment of Funny, Test Log 3 falls squarely into this.

  Dr. ████████ requested a copy of this third photo and a digital copy was created for her without incident. The original has been filed into SCP-404-B and the copy is framed in Dr. ████████'s office.

  • From the Addendum to SCP-2558-J: Rather notable considering the usual dark emphasis of the website, on a page featuring very cute kittens with a special ability.

  4/28/2009, After discussion leading to a formal request, O5-██, SCP-2558-J in general, and especially SCP-2558-J-Ex, are not to be weaponized. No further requests for military testing or usage will be authorized.

  • The SCP Foundation is always trying to find ways to kill SCP-682, a Nigh Invulnerable reptilian... thing that finds all life on Earth so horrifyingly disgusting that it attempts to destroy it on sight. According to its SCP-682's termination log (which is a string of CMOFs), someone suggested they introduce it to SCP-053, a seemingly normal little girl who somehow compels anyone who's around for more than about a minute to try to kill her. (When they try, they die as soon as they inflict any damage, and she regenerates almost immediately.) So they stuck her in the same room with 682. Within a few minutes, she's sitting next to it and patting its head...and 682 is acting like her dog. Later, testing on another SCP revealed that 053's greatest desire was to be able to play with 682 again. Strangely adorable for a 'verse that's essentially Torchwood on creepypasta.
    • 682's interaction with SCP-999 is pretty adorable as well. 999 is a big cuddly blob monster which lives on candy and makes people happy merely by touching it. Okay, so it doesn't actually end up making 682 less homicidal for long and 682 refers to 999 as a "feculent little snot wad" later, but while they're actually playing together it's really cute.
      • It apparently even works on SCP-682...until 682 did what it does best - adapt and kill everyone. It released a wave of happiness that allowed it to gleefully break out and kill a bunch of suddenly blissful people.
      • 999 deserves a Crowning Moment of Awesome for that; after 682 released the happiness wave, it saved as many people as it could from 682's rampage.
  • SCP-516, a sentient tank that shows hints of morality. A picture of it was taken with SCP-978 (a polaroid that produces an image of what the target wants to be doing). The resulting picture was the tank in a meadow beneath some trees, with birds perched on its main gun and flowers growing all over its chassis. Both weird and heartwarming at the same time.
    • This means that the sentient tank's deepest desire is for a world that has no need for tanks. Pretty heartwarming.
    • The following log is a weird combination of Moment of Awesome and Heartwarming Moment. The tank refuses to kill unarmed sapient beings, so what happens if a sapient human is strapped with C4, handcuffed to an unarmed sapient human, and ordered to approach the tank and try to blow it up?

 Testing Log 516-01j

Target: Two (2) D-class personnel (D-101, D-521) handcuffed together. 2kg of C4 plastic explosive strapped to D-101, instructed to approach SCP-516 and detonate explosive. D-101 fitted with 'dead man's switch' to induce explosion if D-101 killed.

Result: As Dr. ██████ detailed instructions to D-101, SCP-516 [DATA EXPUNGED]

  • SCP-30 "Ariel" is an odd example that only warms your heart after you've read through most of the site. SCP-30 is a strange creature made of clay, mandrake, lye, mercury, and human blood. Despite being fairly creepy-sounding, it is polite and intelligent, and is extremely benevolent overall. It's somehow heartwarming to know that, in a universe full of Eldritch Abominations and things trying to kill you, there is something obviously bizarre and unnatural that just wants to help people out.
  • A dying world receives an artifact, and hope is restored. Too bad the senders are in the same situation.
  • Much of the test log for SCP-978, a camera that shows whatever the target wants to be doing. While there are plenty of nightmarish results, a surprising number of SC Ps desires are more straightforward — freedom, to be with those they care about, or just simple little pleasures. Meanwhile, half the pictures taken of Foundation personnel show just how human they are, Mad Scientist work aside. It's all very sweet.
    • A picture taken of a man and a Doberman reveals they want to play fetch.
  • The short story "Where They All Go".
  • Also, SCP-368.
  • Something similar happens to SCP-208, a man who literally radiates an aura of friendliness.
  • The Global Occult Coalition page on dealing with Reality Warpers features a surprisingly touching case.
  • SCP-999. It's a gelatinous blob that tickles people. It makes anyone who touches it incredibly happy, and it can even cure depression. Admit it, you want one.
    • It also got SCP-682, the meanest and worst of all SC Ps, to collapse in laughter. Granted, 682 killed a few people soon after, but 999 did his best to save everyone else. Awwwwww.
  • "SCP-076-2 has however, shown that it has great knowledge of human anatomy (although in a highly violent context), military tactics of open warfare, metallurgy, and, strangely enough, the care of livestock."
  • Incident-239-B-Clef-Kondraki With no other options that would save her and maintain security the best he could, Dr. Gears put SCP-239 into a medically induced coma. As he did so, he whispered "Goodnight, and sweet dreams."
  • SCP-1135, a living, growing village put in place in India by the Manna Charitable Foundation for the impoverished locals that is only dangerous if someone or something tries to damage it. May very well be the first SCP that was not only specifically created for benevolent purposes, but also a success in those regards.
  • SCP-131 is a pair of adorable creatures that are basically little, wheeled, one-eyed, teardrop-shaped pets. They have the intelligence of a domestic cat or puppy and are even affectionately called "Eye Pods" by staff and are, generally, adorable. The heartwarming comes when a group of staff get careless while cleaning 173's cell, and, before it can attack, the two of them rush in and stare at it (it should be noted that they don't blink), saving the mens' lives. The foundation even thinks about making them 173's wardens.
  • In the midst of all the other craziness of the Foundation, there's SCP-1230, a sentient book that just wants to create dream worlds for people to explore and adventure in. Heads into Tear Jerker territory when one of the professors enters the dreamworld, and gets so immersed in a two-hundred year-long fantasy that when he returns to the Foundation, he immediately commits suicide and SCP-1230 goes into a three-week-long bout of catatonia. But then it becomes even more heartwarming when another SCP researcher helps the entity in 1230 get through the depression and grief of what it did, and the Foundation then puts the book in a large fiction library to help it make better fantasy worlds.
  • The note regarding the cave paintings made by SCP-1660-7, first used as a safari target by clients of Marshall, Carter and Dark :

 It is their cave paintings, however, which interest us: crude humanoid figures holding sticks and killing with them at a distance, shooting projectiles.

Then a battle with the same sticks, new figures, and the end of the killing. And the symbol copied off the new figures, the symbol in front of which they leave food in sacrifice, the symbol which they smear all over things with ash and plant pigment or claw into trees. The symbol of their gods.

Two rings, one inside the other, with three arrows pointing inward.
