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- In "Regeneration" he mentions "the hero's death battle exemption," a term used by the site Jabootu.
- In the opening of "The Gift", he overdubs a sketch on The Red Green Show (with actual footage playing onscreen), all for the sake of making a joke about... what else?... duct tape.
- In the Klingon justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups...
- Referencing Securitrons when a newscaster mentions New Vegas from the Babylon 5 review.
- He also uses the Fallout 3 opening for Hide and Q
- Calling Soren President Eden.
- And ANOTHER reference to Three Dog in his review of Avatar: The Last Airbender's "Water". Chuck is a huge fan of Fallout and it shows.
- He makes numerous one-off gags to other sci-fi shows, usually Red Dwarf or the 2003 Battlestar Galactica.
- When scoring the Zombies in his Night of the Comet review, he uses the scale from the zombie RPG All Flesh Must Be Eaten.
- In "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang", he ends a long list of Bashir's genetically engineered feats with "... and now if you'll excuse me, I have to return Linkara's hat".
- He never did get that back...
- In "Return to Grace", Ziyal, the would-be prepubescent Che Guevra, runs up excitedly to show off a new knife trick she learned all by herself.
Chuck: Oh that's just great. You got the phasers, you got your one move, you're perfectly set! We're gonna stick you in a green suit, and you can go fight The Flood!! |
- Scorpius has decided to go all Tim Allen on us. "What this Aurora Chair needs is a lil' more power!" ("Reunion")
- The opening of his review of Star Trek Nemesis paraphrases Patrick Stewart's speech in the introduction movie of Oblivion, and the visuals from both are similar.
- "Tom has just gone plaid." ("Threshold")
- Brannon, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
- Ghost Janeway in "Coda."
"But — I can't be dead! I'm supposed to go into that Phylactery and come back as an all-powerful Lich!" |
- "When did the mare in the moon exchange reason for madness?!"
- From Blade Runner: "This is my brother Darryl, and my other brother Darryl."
- Janeway must let the world think that she is dead, until she can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within her.
- If you build it, Mulder will come.
- Nobody puts Bajor in a corner!
- You'd re-take DS9 for Randolph Scott! (RANDOOOOLPH SCOOOOOOTT! ♫)
- Rassilon briefly channeling Harvey Korman.
- We've got trouble. Right here in River City. With a capital "T" and that rhymes with "3" and that stands for Ziyal.
- Uhh, Dukat, could I interest you in this beaver puppet?
- He name-checks several of his fellow internet reviewers in his 2009 Star Trek review, including Linkara and Confused Matthew.
- When discussing the giant monsters attacking Abrams!Kirk on the ice planet, he remarks "you should never cast Summon Bigger Fish.
- Seven and the Doctor placing the entire crew in a stasis sleep in "One".
Now it's just our hero and her plucky hologram sidekick. (blares Red Dwarf theme) |
- On that note, Chuck notes the two colliding planets in "Ship in a Bottle" and muses that Lister's playing pool again.
- The opening to The Man From Earth showcases art and dialogue from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.
- Compared Janeway's self-assimilation to the Shaun of the Dead's "walk like a zombie" tactic.
- In "Ship in a Bottle" Chuck refers to Data and Geordi playing the characters Sherlock Holmes and his trusted friend, Arthur Dent.
- Moriarty ordering Riker to "uncouple with a Heisenberg compensator's purple monkey dishwasher."
- Remember the Peter Mannion maxim: Never Google your own name.
- "I love the Time Gauntlet. Its so bad!"
- House reveals his plan — and it doesn't involve grabbing Cuddy's ass.
- He claims that Nero from the 2009 movie is just an emo with a trident
- The attack on the Salarian Colony in "Ensign Ro" clearly was done by the Krogan, though the only people who'd would get that joke are busy today.
- The coda video to "Tuvix": a montage of Janeway's dastardly nature to the strains of "Still Alive".
- John Sheridan is known as "Starkiller" because he was trained in secret by Darth Vader.
- Edith Keeler was supposed to die in a traffic accident, but instead would go on to work with FDR to keep America out of the war too long, so that the Axis powers won World War II thanks to the retrieval of the Ark of the Covenant.
- To Mass Effect 3 when he notes what if Kirk used the Guardian to go back and change things? Cut to it happening the exact same way, but in a different colour. Also doubles as a Stealth Insult to the infamous endings of the game.
- The weapons at Wayne Enterprises fire the whole bullet. That's 65% more bullet per bullet!.
- In "Cause and Effect" (TNG), the crew is trapped in a temporal loop that will only end if they avoid the accident or steal 50 cars in one night.
- Brooklyn has the perfect name for the Gargoyles' Team Pet: "Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer!"
- After all the TV he's been watching, Hudson's learned a thing or two from The Fonz. (smacks console)
- Captain Pike is not Jesus Christ.
- Or Davros.
- So, no human may go to Talos IV, or will face the death penalty, eh?
Spock: I, Half-Vulcan Mister Spock, as green-blooded as they come, agree that no human shall go there again! (P.S.: I'm an alien. Nanu nanu.) |
- Captain Pike knows how to deal with Rubber Forehead Aliens: "What're YOU lookin' at, butthead?"