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  • From their 2011 USA tour, a 101st airborne veteran wanted to hear them play "Screaming Eagles." So they did.
  • While it would be easy to say 'all of their songs', special mention needs to go out to Ghost Division, Panzerkampf, and Coat of Arms, for being essentially Crowning Music of Awesome about Crowning Moments Of Awesome.
  • The ending of Long Live The King. After a terrific chorus and absolutely epic solo, Joakim delivers the Badass Boast to end all boasts before the final chorus.

 For their honor!

For their glory!

For the men who fought and bled!

A soldier of Sweden remembers the dead!

  • It's a shock to fans everywhere. Three of Sabaton's long standing members leave for no reason right out of the blue. Everyone thinks the bands finished. So what do they do? Release Carolus Rex immediately after that, showing the new album will not be affected at all and that they're new material will be just as great, if not better than before.