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  • Complete Monster: We Burn shows very clearly that this is how band sees people behind Yugoslavian genocide. Not without reason, as you could guess.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: With each album the number of awesome moments in World War Two they haven't dedicated a song to decreases.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Oh so many.
    • 40:1 and Uprising. Double points if you're Polish, as hearing the words “Warszawo walcz!” will for sure be an amazing experience.
    • Ghost Division, oh so much.
    • Hellrider
    • "Prepare for Nuclear Attack!"
    • Swedish Pagans
    • Let's just say there are more examples.
    • Two words: "Primo Victoria."
    • To the skies, see Carolus Rise!
    • The Lion from the North. "Lion come forth, come from the no-o-o-orth~!"
    • While it'd be easy to say all of Carolus Rex, special mention goes out to Poltava and Long Live The King.
  • Fan Dumb: Search for any Sabaton song on YouTube. It's pretty possible that most of the comments will be about politics.
    • Or, in many cases, assuming that all they sing about is Nazis...long story.
  • Genius Bonus: More like historian bonus, as the more knowledge about history you have, the more events referenced in their songs you're gonna understand. This pretty much encourages the listener to do a lot of research.
  • Poles Love Sabaton: Oh boy, how very much. Thanks to their 40:1, they've found their way into mainstream news and do concerts in museums. Here's the Aesop: when you're a dabbling metaller, and want to quickly and surely gain some notoriety, make a song about brave Polish people. They seem to realise this (heh eh heh heh), as they've now let out Uprising.
    • Also in Russia, thanks to Stalingrad, Panzerkampf and Attero Dominatus.
  • Misaimed Fandom - there's potential for that, for obvious reasons. One of their songs is called "Wehrmacht".
  • Music to Invade Poland To: Sabaton get this a lot. They make bombastic power metal, their vocalist rolls his Rs in a very particular way, and most of their songs are about WW I and II, quite a few of them from the perspective of German forces. Disregard that they have several songs from the perspective of the nations fighting against Nazi Germany as well as definite anti-war anthems, and that their eight minute epic about the Nazi's rise to power is called Rise of Evil. Oh, and the band is Swedish.
    • All things considered "Music to Defend Poland to" would be a more apt description, considering their Polish fanbase and songs like 40:1 and Uprising.
  • Tear Jerker: I dare you to listen to The Price of a Mile and not get misty-eyed.
    • Also Cliffs of Gallipoli, with lyrics taken from the Turkish memorial for the Australians who died there.

 Oh mothers wipe your tears, your sons will rest a million years

Found their peace at last, as foe turn to friend and forgive

    • Same with The Hammer Has Fallen.
    • Also "Purple Heart" and "Light in the Black"; very poignant.
    • The Final Solution, one of the most amazing power ballads you'll ever hear, is about... Auschwitz.

 When freedom burns

The final solution

Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust

    • Angels Calling.
    • The album Carolus Rex in general can be considered this for patriotic Swedes. Long Live The King is this for everyone.