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- Shout-Out: Richard the raccoon might be a nod to a kids' magazine entitled Ranger Rick, whose mascot was also a raccoon.
- There's one early strip where Amy has a nightmare that Timmy is an evil genius. She wakes up Tom and informs him that they are never watching Family Guy again. (The show isn't mentioned by name, and Tom wonders if Amy means The Venture Brothers.)
- This:
Sabrina: "What comes to mind when you hear 'Sabrina?'" |
- When you consider that Sabrina's mother Endora and sister Tabitha share names with characters from Bewitched, this may qualify as Theme Naming as well.
- Zig leaves Jay and Silent Bob to beat up a guy who insulted her on the internet and was unapologetic about it.
Zig Zag: "All yours, fellas." |
- Zig also pulls a Zii on one of her detractors. It's even titled "Menage a what?". However, unlike the base breaking actions of Zii, this one is with an already divorced single mother, and not the cause of said divorce.
- And let's not forget a Shout-Out to The Simpsons...
Man (supposedly Ned Flanders): "Good Lord! That's the loudest profanity I've ever heard!" |
- Carli and Spike...now where have we heard those names before?
- "Her name is Lena! I have no idea where they keep getting "Mary Sue" from!" The strip's title replies, "Maybe TVTropes?"