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Safety Last! (1923) is perhaps the most famous and best-remembered film of silent film comedian Harold Lloyd. Harold is working as a clerk in a department store. He has been telling his girlfriend back home that he is a big success and sending her presents he can't really afford, which causes a problem when she comes to the city to visit him. Harold temporarily solves this problem by pretending to be the manager of his department store, but a more permanent solution offers itself when the real manager says he'll offer $1000 to anyone who can come up with a good publicity stunt to attract attention to the store. Harold concocts a scheme in which his good friend Bill will climb up the side of the building as a stunt. However, a local cop is after Bill and Bill has to flee, leaving poor Harold to do the dangerous stunt himself.

The shot of Lloyd hanging from the clock is the Signature Scene of Lloyd's career.

Safety Last! was added to the National Film Registry in 1994.

Watch it at Wikimedia Commons.

Tropes used in Safety Last! include: