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  • Anvilicious: For the biggest part, the movie does a good job conveying the Green Aesop by simply showing the situation through the eyes of the characters. But they still felt the need to hammer it home with the words of the local African dictator.

  Kazim: "Don't worry. It's Africa. Nobody cares about Africa."

  • Complete Monster: General Kazim who poisons his own citizens, contaminating the water in a mean and careless way due too much money in the payoffs from corrupt industrial corporations for him to care. Worse yet he makes sure that his well armed henchmen will kill everyone who gets too close to the financial foundation of his dictatorship. His worst act is when he coldly executes Carl with no second tought..
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Dirk after MacGyvering a means of transportation out of a crashed plane, complete with awesome soundtrack and desert scenery.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:
    • Al unloading a seemingly endless arsenal of weapons from all over himself while the trio is being forced at gunpoint to exit the car. "...What?"
    • "NO PANAMA!"

 Dirk: "That was close."

Al: "Yeah it was."

Dirk: "You ok?"

Al: "Glad I'm driving."

Dirk: "I am too. Rudy?"

Rudi, while holding the satellite phone: "I shot a guy with a flare gun."

Dirk: "Cool."

Sandecker on the other end of said phone: "What? A flare gun?"
