Animesque hentai "film" created by a company known as MMG which is infamous due not only to its horrible animation, but also to the fact that it's about Sailor Moon characters screwing characters from other anime, especially Dragonball Z. The Anime News Network Encyclopedia says this is a "U.S. OAV Parody".
The plot is that it's the day of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen's wedding, and everyone in the anime world is invited. As soon as the guests arrive, they start having sex with each other. And a Dragon Ball temporarily makes Usagi into a Hermaphrodite.
It spawned a sequel a few years later called Sailor and the 7 Ballz 2, but despite the title Sailor Moon is only around for a minute and is never seen again. The plot mainly deals with Goku attempting to retrieve the Dragon Balls (let's not mention where they come from) before they destroy the world. Along the way, he meets several generic anime schoolkids and winds up on sex-themed planets. While the animation is somewhat better, it's still plagued by horrible voice acting and sex scenes that go on for way too long.
- Biggus Dickus
- Bondage Is Bad: Subverted in the second film.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Mamoru is constantly masturbating throughout the first film.
- Death by Sex: Several characters in the second film.
- Everyone Has Lots of Sex
- Everyone Is Bi
- Fanime: Two of the very few that has been released on DVD.
- Gag Dub: The second film; the first film has a gag sub.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Especially to Mamoru.
- Hermaphrodite: Usagi temporarily becomes one, and Cammy is shown as one later on.
- Limited Animation: While Hentai are not really known for having great animation, this one shows us sex scenes that wouldn't even be at home on Newgrounds.
- Naughty Tentacles: An entire planet of them.
- No End in Sight: Both have sex scenes that go on minutes longer than they should.
- Off-Model
- Rule 34: Yeah, duh. However, these hentai are examples of how it can be done badly.
- Shower of Love: Mamoru attempts it with Usagi at one point, but she smacks him instead.