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At PAX Prime on the 29 August 2014, Volition teased an image which depicts an Ouija Board with the Saints fleur de lis on it. Later, at their panel on the same day, Volition and Deep Silver confirmed a standalone expansion to Saints Row IV, called Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell. The game was released on January 27, 2015 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. The game was also released in a bundle alongside Saints Row IV: Re-Elected for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
The plot revolves around Johnny Gat's attempt to rescue the Boss from Hell after being captured by Satan, alongside Kinzie Kensington, and the player can switch between the two as their main character, or two players can use them both in co-op play.
- 100% Completion: Done by completing all quests, challenges and activities, and finding all soul clusters. It unlocks an ending where Gat's alliance takes down insurgents opposing them, including villains from previous games. The Saints and their allies get happy endings, and they begin regular conferences with Heaven where they play volleyball.
- Fanservice: Kinzie got a makeover that has her looking a LOT more attractive than her original nerdy look, complete with a Gainaxing motion when she walks. The female demons, while obviously demonic, lean pretty hard towards Cute Monster Girl regardless.
- Hell: Which looks a lot like Steelport crossed with Fire and Brimstone Hell, even lampshaded by Kinzie.
- Historical Villain Upgrade: Hilariously crossed with Historical Hero Upgrade at the same time.
- Blackbeard makes an appearance, and while he's still the batshit insane pirate captain he was in life, he's ironically not half as evil as Satan would prefer.
- William Shakespeare is also in Hell, having sold his soul in exchange for fame and fortune in life. Regardless, he turned out to be such a Nice Guy anyway, even though he was supposed to be Satan's spymaster. So nice in fact, he got fired because Satan didn't like William serving as a Morality Chain for his daughter.
- Lethal Lava Land: A lot of Hell has this instead of water, but it's more an annoyance than anything, and few early upgrades even let you run across lava with no damage.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Inverted. Johnny goes into Hell expecting to NOT return, though he at least plans to get the Boss out somehow. Kinzie insists on coming along for the ride.
- Promoted To Playable: Johnny Gat and Kinzie are the playable characters, when in earlier games they were merely player allies.
- Recycled Premise: It's basically Saints Row IV all over again, right down to raising a ton of Hell (in more than one way) to get to the end of the game, though the gameplay is different enough and has it's own take on things it doesn't feel too much like a recycle job. Justified in that it's an expansion pack and uses the same game engine.
- Satan: Who is depicted in the most cliche, Big Red Devil manner possible.
- The Bus Came Back: A lot of characters from earlier in the series make a return as part of the plot. And the developers made a point of giving you the chance to repeatedly murder the shit out of Dex from the second game, even advertising it as a selling point before release.
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: If you have a Saints Row IV save, the Boss will resemble your player avatar.
- What an Idiot!: The plot is triggered by one on the part of Matt, who decided to root through Zinyak's artifact collection for a party game and decided it would be a GREAT idea to use a Ouija board that used to be owned by Aleister Crowley, of all people, for a party game.
- Though later subverted somewhat when it's obvious the plot was gonna happen anyway not long afterwards, and the Ouija board was more like an early warning about it.