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  • In Saints Row 2... Why exactly does Boss decide to put Carlos out of his misery? Couldn't he just, y'know, take Carlos to the hospital, get him patched up then take him to the plastic surgeon to fix his face?
    • People aren't made of iron in real life. Those kinds of injuries would have likely seen him dead before they'd reached the hospital, especially if he was being jostled around further.
      • Aren't made of iron, eh? Gameplay and Story Segregation!
      • Not necessarily. The Boss is shown to be incredibly durable - it doesn't apply to everyone in the game.
      • It does apply to everyone. You get about one minute to resurrect homies, even though they should be realistically dead already.
      • Furthermore, the boss does start getting him fixed up just looks like it will take a while.
      • Having just replayed the scene, Carlos is tied to the truck with some ridiculously durable looking chains. I seriously doubt they would have been able to free him before his injuries became too much; he's barely holding together as it is.
      • Not to mention that Carlos looks like a lot of his skin's been torn to shreds. Even laying on the ground was painful for him. Even if he could survive that, do you really think that he'd live a pleasant life?
      • Modern medicine has salvaged a lot worse than how Carlos looked. It's a hell of a lot easier to get a guy's legs out of some chains than give him up for dead: the jaws of life pry people out of worse as a routine. With how The Boss gives him one half-assed tug and looks around to make sure no one's looking before he offs the boy, it just looks lazy. This Troper broke out laughing when the mercy kill came up. There's no argument, by normal standards or the stylised ones of the game, that the mercy kill was way, way way too early to be considered appropriate.
      • You obviously don't understand the treatment involved for people in that situation. Even a 'simple' motorbike crash, without protective leathers, means the victim has to have the grit and debris ground out of their body without any form of anaesthetic, as it can and will react with the myriad of chemicals (diesel, etc) found in gravel and tarmac. Now consider that Carlos was dragged along at high speed for a considerable period of time and it's not hard to see why Boss chose to give him a quick death. You're vastly over-stating the ease of which 'modern medicine' can deal with a situation like that.
      • So how can I literally hurl myself out of a helicopter and faceplant into the tarmac, only to wake up at a hospital A-OK?
      • Delete your save game after every death buddy, and you'll have the full experience you crave.
      • It could be Gameplay and Story Integration, actually. Boss gets stronger as s/he does activities and gains respect. If we assume that the other Made of Iron character, Johnny Gat, is also a high-level gangster who's got the same amount of respect and experience behind him, it sort of makes sense. Carlos is just too low level to survive it- after all, he is most likely the least experienced and youngest lieutenant.
      • It's an attempt to create a sense of pathos, just like the Boss shooting Julius, Maero finding his girlfriend's body, Aisha's death, Shogo being buried alive, etc.
  • How come The Boss didn't suffer from atrophy after they woke up from a five year coma? You could use the Gameplay and Story Segregation card, or say that it wouldn't be fun to play as someone who can't use their muscles, but they could have just put a quick little montage that shows The Boss learning how to do stuff again.
    • It happened before the two cops came in to see the Boss.
    • Regenerating Health. Kicks in after ten seconds of not being attacked, right?

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