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SR2 Heartwarming

Paying respects to an old flame

  • Despite the Boss coming off as a very cold and bloodthirsty individual, they are shown throughout the game to care for their gang members. Examples includes their reactions to what happened to Gat and Carlos, as well as refusing to put their underlings in danger if he/she doesn't think they would hold their own.
    • The same goes for Gat. Despite how much he and Aisha quarrel with each other, the amount of emotion he displays during Aisha's funeral shows how noble he can be at heart. He brutally pummels Shogo Akuji for interrupting the funeral and has nothing but Aisha in mind. This soft side is also displayed when Ultor attacks the Saints. Gat informs the Boss to check on Pierce and Shaundi and make sure they are okay.
  • The Boss and Gat's fist bumps, pound hugs and generally whenever they greet/compliment each other.
  • Donnie, now working for the Brotherhood, still misses his love interest Lin from his days in the Westside Rollerz and mourns her death. He even has a Voxel, Lin's preferred type of car with "in memorial" written on it.
  • At the start of Waste Not, Want Not, Carlos is unable to supply the Boss with much information about the Brotherhood. Though disappointed in him, the Boss reassures him that Carlos will be a better lieutenant, which makes his death in the next mission all the more heartbreaking.
  • The small-talk between the Boss and Shaundi at the end of Bad Trip is one of the very few times the Boss' more human and vulnerable side is shown, and the fact that Shaundi is as laid back as ever (even though she is obviously disappointed they are a "fuckin' lightweight") makes that scene one of the warmest and fuzziest interaction in the entire game.
  • While Gat is recovering in the hospital from being impaled with a katana by Jyunichi, the Boss visits him. They show genuine anger throughout the subsequent Ronin missions for what they did to Gat. Given the Boss' character, it's quite touching.

Gat: "So the bastard's dead?"
Boss: "I cut him up myself. How are you feeling?"
Gat: "She's dead. You really gotta ask? Funeral?"
Boss: "We're waiting for you. How are you holding up?"
Gat: "Doc says I'll be up to murdering in a couple of days." Boss chuckles at this. "Well he didn't say murderin but you get the idea."

  • After some junkies try to steal drugs from the Saints on orders from Mr. Sunshine in Riot Control, the Boss shoots one of them in the leg and demands to know where Mr. Sunshine is. The junkie, thinking he's going to be killed either way, finally gives the information when the Boss makes it clear they're "in no rush" and starts stepping on his shot leg. The Boss, rather than kill the junkie or even just leave him, kicks a box of the drugs towards him before walking off.
  • In The Siege, one of the Saints soldiers can be heard shouting, "THIS ONE'S FOR CARLOS!".

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