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Otokojuku: Founded by its principal, Edajima Heihachi, during World War II, it is an infamous private school long since known to harbor the worst delinquents imaginable and transform them into the manliest of men through rigorous (and highly unorthodox) training methods of both mind and body, in order to prepare them for the hardships of Japanese society.

Unfortunately, the latest freshman class consists of nothing but spineless tough-guy wannabes just aching to escape... until a delinquent named Tsurugi Momotaro comes to attend. What follows is a gradual change for the freshman class as they struggle under Momotaro's leadership to overcome anything and everything that stands before them, be it the incompetent and hypocritical teachers, or worse...

Sakigake!! Otokojuku (Charge!! Men's Private School) is a comedy martial arts manga series created by Akira Yamashita that ran in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1985 to 1991, focusing on the absurdities of the titular school at large, as well as its awkward place in modern Japanese society. As the genre indicates, not only are there plenty of crazy things happening in each story, but there is also no shortage of amazing moments from many of the main characters, both expected and unexpected. Note that these moments often intersect in this series.

It received an anime adaptation of 34 episodes in 1988, and is quite a watch if only to hear voice actors such as the legendary Daisuke Gouri simply act as outrageously as possible.

Tropes included:[]

  1. the fact is, his hair grows longer as the series goes on
  2. Raiden later takes the custody of 3 of them
  3. subversion, he doesn't actually control them
  4. Literally.