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  • The driving theme, "Cruisin'".
    • The low-bittage remix (heard in Episode 105) isn't half bad either.
    • "Cogs in Motion" definitely counts. It's like something out of a factory scene in a silent black-and-white 1930's cartoon, which makes it awesome.
    • Jurgen's Lair Suite qualifies, too. Come to think of it, the series has a dozen tracks like this, particularly in season two and DEFINITELY in season three.
    • I couldn't find anything to link to "Fugue and Dies Irae," but that has to be my favourite song of all.
    • According to composer Jared Emerson-Johnson, each of the Telltale episode contains as much music as an average 30-hour console title. So these games are really concentrated with music of awesome.
      • And this is the reason of why Telltale release Soundtracks of this games
    • The theme for The Devil's Playhouse certainly counts (starts at about one minute in).