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Sammy Guevara (born July 28, 1993) is a Cuban-American professional wrestler currently signed to All Elite Wrestling. He has also worked in various promotions, Major League Wrestling, Evolve Wrestling, Lucha Underground, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, and Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide, where he was a former AAA World Cruiserweight champion.

Sammy is one of the members of Chris Jericho's Power Stable, the Inner Circle.

He has a YouTube channel, which can be found here.

Tropes associated to Sammy Guevara:
  • Affably Evil: While he is usually an arrogant SOB like the rest of the Inner Circle, Sammy is nevertheless a pretty jovial and easy-going dude.
  • Attention Whore: Really loves the attention, to the point of livestreaming his own fights. Just check out his YouTube channel.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Most of the times, he'll be comic relief. But be warned, he can be very vicious when fighting in the ring.
  • Butt Monkey: Especially if it involves a golf cart.
  • Car Fu: Sammy gets the receiving end of being run over by a golf cart driven by Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega
  • Casanova Wannabe: Hits on any woman with a pulse in a mile radius and thinks of himself as a great ladies man. This is not the case at all.
  • El Spanish-O: Despite being Cuban-American, Sammy is not heard speaking Spanish, unlike Santana and Ortiz who both use Spanish and by extension, Spanglish. The July 30, 2020 episode of Dynamite has Sammy refer to Matt Hardy as "son of el bitch" when asked by Chris Jericho what "son of a bitch" is in Spanish.[1]
  • Expy: Sammy looks like a younger Alberto Del Rio, with the charisma and bravado of Andrade "Cien" Almas and Angel Garza in one package.
  • A God Am I: Jericho gave him the title the Spanish God. On the contrast, "BROKEN" Matt Hardy/Damascus refers him as the "false" God.
  • Insistent Terminology: Chris Jericho insists he is "THE Spanish God", rather than "A Spanish God" as he is often announced in his match introductions.
  • The Napoleon: Though Ortiz is the shortest among the Inner Circle (standing 5"8'), Sammy still qualifies even he is two inches taller than Ortiz (5"10').
  • Red Baron: The Spanish (Sex) God.
  • Running Gag: The Inner Circle's feud with The Elite subjected him to repeated pursuits by things faster than he is. At least three times he was chased by motorised carts and during the Stadium Stampede match he was pursued by Hangman Page on a horse and by Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy on a cart.
  • Spoiled Brat: His gimmick could best be described as "the Inner Circle's obnoxious, rich-boy son".
  • You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Sammy has this "Oh, come on!" look when Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy once again drive a golf cart and about to run him over for the second time during the Stadium Stampede match.
  1. More accurately, it should have been "el hijo de puta".