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Zombienation 8407
1999. What appeared to be a harmless meteorite crashing in the Nevada desert has turned out to be Darc Seed, an evil alien creature with horrible powers. By shooting strange magnetic rays, Darc Seed had turned the helpless nation into zombies and had brought the Statue of Liberty to life to do his dirty work. These rays had also given him control over many deadly weapons, but none were more powerful than the legendary samurai sword, Shura. When the great head of the samurai, Namakubi, heard that the sword had fallen into evil hands, he set off immediately for the United States. For only he possessed the strength and knowledge needed to recapture the magical sword and free the U.S. from the evil clutches of Darc Seed.
—Intro to Samurai Zombie Nation

A 1990 NES game developed by KAZe. Samurai Zombie Nation chronicles the epic struggle of one man's giant head against an army of zombie ninjas, whom he must kill with Eye Beams and acid spit, and eat the corpses for extra points.

Tropes used in Samurai Zombie Nation include: