Designated Villain: Zoey is spoken of as a popular jerk, but the most we've seen of her so far is being a victim to Larisa.
Dude, Not Funny/Values Dissonance: Because of differing viewpoints on the nudity taboo, this strip passed in Germany without much issue, but in English-speaking countries, got Knörzer and Powree briefly accused of playing an 11-year-old up for fanservice.
Funny Aneurysm Moment: This strip which isn't as funny when you realize that Woo hasn't appeared as much since Sandra and Cloud bacame a couple.
Played for humor here. See also Moment Killer, of which the title is a pun.
At first it seems that Sandra reciprocates said Les Yay when admitting Larisa is a better kisser, but ultimately subverted when she takes it as a sign that she and Cloud simply need "practice."
Despite Sandra being 11 years old, there's a Love Triangle among her, Cloud and Larisa.
They are careful to depict the relationships of the main human cast (And their peers) in an age-appropriate fashion. Relationships are strongly suggested never to go beyond french-kissing, and even Larissa, who is depicted as being rather... er, precocious, has been shown to not really know how sex works.
The principal for taking away Larisa's insulin shots. This is hammered home when she explains that she needs them to live, and the principal interprets this as dependency. Lampshaded when Larisa proceeds to repeatedly hit her head against the desk.
Dominic in the "T Word". What do you say when your husband is caught by airport security carrying a squirrel in his luggage (albeit by accident?) Why, claim that it's a TERROR squirrel trained to attack, of course! *facepalm*