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A Machinima series created by Guitarmasterx7 (real name Lyle), of Brawlgasm and Master Chief fame, and Dexterboy124, who is known for his Peach's Slutty Adventure series and his new Phoenix Wright: Bullshit Evolved, which premiered at the end of Sanity Not Included's first season. This machinima series is unique in that it doesn't use just one game, it uses many across many different gaming platforms a la "Robot Chicken". The first season has been finished with 13 episodes, and the two Machinimators are already well into their second season.

This series includes examples of:

  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: In the season one finale, Psylocke thinks that Shuma-Gorath will molest her, simply because he is a tentacle monster.
  • Art Shift: The animated segments have a marked increase in quality starting with the finale of season 1 and throughout season 2.
  • Bag of Spilling: Made fun of in a machinima of the first level of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Alucard shoots through the level until he meets Death, who takes away all his weapons.

 Death: 'sup bitch? Ever played Metroid Prime?


Death: Later bitch!

Alucard: Oh, this is what I do now? I punch things. Yeah, I think I'll just kill myself.

Death: Have fun finding something to do it with!

  • Bash Brothers: Lyle and Dexter can kick ninja ass.
  • Biting the Hand Humor: The very end of the first episode has a Machinima employee choose to upload "a hundred trillion shitty Modern Warfare 2 gameplay videos that nobody fucking cares about and should be on the other channel anyways" instead of Sanity Not Included. The employee's eyes then glow red.
    • It's more of a joke about the Machinima community claiming to unsubscribe to the machinima channels when a YMMV video is uploaded.
  • The Cameo: So far, there have been two occasions in which footage from A Strange Dream, starring Vivvav (a friend of Dex and Lyle's), has appeared in the series. Both cameos have involved Pokémon.
    • The character of the warden, Raust Blackdragon, is based off a real person who the creators are...acquainted...with.
  • Camp Gay: Raust Blackdragon, the warden of the prison.
  • Can't You Read the Sign?: NO PETTING THE RECYCLING BIN!
  • Casanova: Solid Snake, apparently.

 Snake: Sup baby, Bumblefaggot.

Woman: Oh God, I'm so turned on!

  • Cleavage Window: Let's face it, any boob trope will be applied to Nina at some point, although she does avert it from time to time by wearing a shirt that completely covers her chest.
  • Clothing Damage: In season 2, while trying to protect a baby, Nina's clothes are completely burned off. It would have been the perfect moment if not for the censor bar.
  • Compensating for Something: Parodied in the very first episode.

  Yellow Spartan watching other Spartan walk toward small car: Hey! What are you doing driving that small car? Trying to compensate for something, BIG DICK?

  • Continuity Cameo: The man in the Pikachu coat who was in Guitarmasterx7's video "Morgan's Birthday Video Thing dot doubleyoo emm vee. This is so srs you guys." blows up a Spartan in episode 1.
    • He was also featured in the video "Herpes: The Musical", which was uploaded by Lyle's alternate account "theloopholeistheahol". Another video that he used from that account in SNI was the "Disingenuous Assertions" video.
  • Continuity Nod: During the INTERACTIVE CHOICE series, Link finds a hammer he can't control in the FIRE TEMPLE episode. He uses it again in the WATER TEMPLE.
  • Dead Baby Comedy
    • Or at least "We might kill this baby but instead we're going to catapult it" comedy.

 Dex: (to Nina, after she tries to protect a baby from getting killed) Couldn't stop us that time, could ya?

Lyle: Yeah! FUCK THAT BABY! *He and Dex hi-five and walk away*

    • Taken Up to Eleven in a skit in the first episode of season 2

 Husband: I love you, honey.

Wife: (With a rope that has one side in her vagina, and another attached to a truck) THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL?!?!


  Bill: Is it just me or... is this... slightly arousing? I... *zip* It's gotta be done.

    • It's also subverted in the finale of season 1:

 Psylocke: "Well, you ARE a tentacle monster..."

Shuma-Gorath: "Yeah! That's exactly the thing! I'm a tentacle monster, that doesn't mean I automatically molest people, and even if I did, I would want other tentacle monsters! Do you even have the slightest idea of how procreation and sex drive work!?"


  Spartan shoving medicine ball up his penis: Sanity Not Included is not a gay web show! It's the gay web show!

    • There are often jokes about the creator's nationalities: One's British and the other is American.
  • Shout-Out: To Death Note, when a group of characters fall down the stairs and die.

  Last to die: Damn you, Light Yagami...
