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A 1985 film from the producers of the first two Superman movies (and the director of Supergirl), starring Dudley Moore as one of Santa's elves and John Lithgow as a Corrupt Corporate Executive who seeks to commercialize Santa's Christmas magic. David Huddleston is Santa, but doesn't get above-the-title billing despite playing the title character.

Not to be confused with Santa Claus (film).

The film provides examples of:[]

  • Billed Above the Title: David Huddleston doesn't get it, but it's justified here, as part of the original marketing (such as the original making-of featurette shown on ABC in the lead-up to the movie) stressed that Santa Claus was essentially playing himself, and that no actor could do him justice.
  • Cassandra Truth: Subverted with Cornelia. She thinks the police don't believe her warning, but, given their response, they obviously do.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Patch.
  • Chekhov's Skill: The Super Duper Looper.
  • The Chosen One: Santa is actually called this.
  • Christmas Elves: Of course.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: B.Z.
  • For the Evulz: B.Z.
  • Didn't Think This Through: B.Z., on a couple of occasions.
    • In one case, he plans to mark his magic candy canes for hundreds of dollars. When asked where kids will get that kind of money, he says he doesn't care; he'll just sell the item and watch the money come rolling in. A fundamental rule of economics: if your target audience can't afford the product, they won't buy it. End of discussion.
    • B.Z.'s plan to avoid the authorities by fleeing to Brazil. One small problem. Depending on the scope of his marketing, Brazil may not have an extradition agreement with the U.S., but it might have one with some country where B.Z. has marketed his goods. Secondly, depending on how successful his marketing is (and whether he can overcome the flaw mentioned above), his product could end up killing a significant number of the children (and a fair number of adults) in the country. Obviously, this movie was made before 9/11, but in hindsight, it is clear that, especially in the wake of a tragedy that could dwarf 9/11, the U.S. wouldn't let such niceties as extradition treaties (or lack thereof) stop them from taking down B.Z. by any means necessary.
    • Ultimately, considering the end result of B.Z.'s attempt to evade arrest, he obviously didn't think that one through.
  • Disney Villain Death: Inverted. B.Z. instead flies up to his doom after eating the candy canes to evade the police.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: B.Z.'s plan to charge astronomical fees for his magic candy canes, not caring where kids get the money, sounds a lot like an Aggressive Drug Dealer.
  • Evil Uncle: B.Z. to Cornelia, sort of. He treats her pretty well, but he is evil and her uncle.
  • Fish Out of Water: Patch, in New York.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Daisy is Mrs. Claus.
  • How Can Santa Deliver All Those Toys?: Christmas Eve wouldn't end until Santa finished his job.
  • Large Ham: B.Z.

 B.Z.: For FREEEEEEEEE!!!!???!?!?!!?!?!?

B.Z.: We'll call it... CHRISTMAS 2!!!!!!
