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 Saturday Supercade! Gather 'round, we'll get your video friends together.


An hourlong Animated Anthology of shorts, produced by Ruby-Spears for CBS, based on early 1980s video games. As might be expected with the limited amount of plot in the games of that era, the stories diverged wildly from the games out of sheer necessity. The following games were featured:

This series was unusual in that it collected characters from different video game companies. The character most obviously lacking, of course, was Pac-Man, who already had his own competing show[3] on ABC.

Each game appeared to exist in its own universe, with the exception of the Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr stories, which shared one.


  • Boxing Kangaroo: In Season 2, "K.O. Katie" Kangaroo in Kangaroo. In her Kangaroo Pouch Space she can hold lots of things, including her all-powerful boxing gloves. (In one lead-in bumper to Donkey Kong, Katie pulled out Donkey Kong, who himself was wearing boxing gloves, while looking for the gloves.)
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Donkey Kong Jr. is basically Scrappy-Doo turned into a powerful monkey.

 DK Jr: "Monkey Muscle!"


 Mario: "It's not easy when you're dealing with..."


  1. the closest the show came to faithfully reproducing elements from the original game, with its trademark block hopping (complete with the original sound effects), "swear" bubbles and flying discs.
  2. featuring Pitfall Harry, his niece Rhonda, and their cowardly pet lion Quickclaw, all of whom later appeared in Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns for the Atari 2600.
  3. which premiered the previous year