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  • Why does Fuminori see his own body as normal? The only thing I can think of is that his body sense overrides whatever is affecting his perception of the rest of the world.
    • Perhaps it's denial? He sees himself as a monster (which would give another reason explaining why he's so full of self loathing) but he pretends that he sees himself normal to not freak Saya out. That or his condition doesn't affect how he sees himself, for whatever reason.
    • I'd think that it is his sense of self. The whole thing is mental, afterall.
    • Or maybe he got so used to seeing everything reversed that he had started seeing himself as a monster, and thus appearing human-like to his own eyes.
      • Considering he's sexually attracted to a little girl, and how in all the routes but the one with the least amount of bloodshed and suffering (ie, he chooses to become normal again, which is pretty clearly presented a Nonstandard Game Over and not a true ending) he's generally cool with killing what he knows are innocent people and eating the flesh of children, I'd say he was a monster and therefore able to see himself normally.
    • Because he would go insane almost instantly and we would not have story, duh.
      • It can be argued he was already insane and we had this story because of it.
  • What's puzzling is how the tentacled Eldritch Abomination Saya is able to overpower other humans, but was helpless when she was raped by an insane Yousuke.
    • Anytime she attacked a human, she had 2 advantages, surprise, and the fact that they were looking at a whatever she was. With Yusuke she had neither of those.
  • Why didn't Fuminori attack Kouji while he was distracted by Yoh? He was firing the gun for a while after it went click, then hitting her for a long time afterward, yet Fuminori only came in after Kouji wasn't too scared or loud to notice him. If Yoh was still "alive" after he killed Kouji, Ryouko might have mistaken Yoh for Saya and wasted her chance.