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  • Complete Monster: Machamish the old bear from The Corgin episode could qualify. Scaredy and Dave got trapped in his cave and he planned on eating them alive. Just think about Scaredy and Dave being cooked and butchered alive by Machamish. Worse yet, at the end of the episode, he broke into Scaredy's house so he knew where Scaredy lived.
  • Iron Woobie: Scaredy is pretty much one of these. Also Dave has his woobie-ish moments.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Nestor crosses this in The Stackinator where he replaces Scaredy with a machine. He also crosses it in a later episode where he gets rid of Bertha, thus causing Dave to cross the Despair Event Horizon. The only reason Nestor isn't a Complete Monster is how pathetic he truly is.
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: Nester, Full Stop.
  • Tear Jerker: The Stackinator episode where Scaredy gets replaced by a machine. In particular, the scene where he sits outside the store and lets a few tears roll down his face. He most definately counts as The Woobie after that episode. The end part where Scaredy and Dave melt the blocks of ice with their hugs is a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
  • Ugly Cute: Dave. Just look at that soft, bushy, huggable tail of his. And he's a skunk!
    • Chip the chubby-faced little squirrel in "Camp and Consequences".