An index over scene tropes, both those describing the contents of scenes and what actually happens in them, and those used to organise, separate, and manage scenes (metascenes). Fanservice scenes are also sorted separately.
Compare Episodes and Montages.
Common scenes[]
- Accidental Dance Craze
- Action Film Quiet Drama Scene
- Action Prologue
- After-Action Patchup
- Bedmate Reveal
- Bedroom Adultery Scene
- Bullet Dancing
- Caught with Your Pants Down
- Chair Reveal
- Chase Scene
- Creation Sequence
- Crowded Cast Shot
- Crowd Song
- Dance Line
- Dance of Romance
- Dance Party Ending
- Dancing on a Bus
- Dinner and a Show
- The Eleven O'Clock Number
- Establishing Character Moment
- Establishing Team Shot
- Fancy Dinner
- Fight Scene
- Flight of Romance
- Forging Scene
- Grand Inquisitor Scene
- Grave Marking Scene
- Hospital Gurney Scene
- Interrupted Intimacy
- Mercy Kill
- Mexican Standoff
- Nude Nature Dance
- Obligatory War Crime Scene
- Old Flame Fizzle
- One Scene, Two Monologues
- Optional Character Scene
- Parents Walk in At the Worst Time
- Primal Scene
- Rain Dance
- Random Smoking Scene
- The Reveal
- Scenery Porn
- Shamed by a Mob
- Shaming the Mob
- Shower of Awkward
- Sorry to Interrupt
- Spontaneous Choreography
- Sudden Musical Ending
- Sudden Principled Stand
- Two Scenes, One Dialogue
- Villain Opening Scene
- "With Our Swords" Scene
Fanservice scenes[]
- Bathtub Scene
- Furo Scene
- Lingerie Scene
- Pool Scene
- Public Bathhouse Scene
- Shirtless Scene
- Shower Scene
- Wet Sari Scene
- Big Lipped Alligator Moment
- Cutscene
- Deleted Role
- Deleted Scene
- Disney Acid Sequence
- Meanwhile Scene
- Scene Transition
- Signature Scene
- The Stinger