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  • Tenma trying to send a love letter to Karasuma. . . by bow and arrow. She shoots off a gang leader's wig, makes Harima parody The Matrix, gets hit by a tree, and THWARTS A BANK ROBBERY BY MEN WITH TOY GUNS.
  • Tenma and Lala switching classes and their ridiculous attempts at impersonating each other.
  • Eri walking in on Harima while he was trying to find his swim trunks had me gasping for air. I nearly died when he decided the best method of keeping her from screaming was to grapple her from behind and whisper creepily.
  • Eri bathing with Harima (who she has mistaken for Mikoto). Harima then farts in the tub.
  • In an early episode, Harima mixes up an invitation to the movies (for Tenma, his love interest) and a school resignation letter. Tenma convinces him not to quit school, but his teacher, who got the movie tickets is just confused, and says, "Uh, Harima, about this letter...". Cut to Harima (a big, tough delinquent) and his teacher enjoying a movie together. The fact that the teacher accepted the invitation cracks this troper up to no end.
  • Through an elaborate series of circumstances the school play (Sleeping Beauty) goes wildly off script after Harima takes a nap in the bed and the actress playing Beauty gets held up. Thanks to some creative improv, they manage to cover, but the crowd is more than a little confused when "Beauty" shows up looking like the resident tough guy... except for Tougou, who thinks that casting a male character — without even dressing him up! — as a beautiful princess is absolutely brilliant art, the "sort of innovation you wouldn't even see in a Broadway play! BRAVO, CLASS 2-C!!". Travis Willingham's delivery in the dub is absolutely hilarious.
  • Ni Gakki episode 15, Tenma cosplaying as her friends.
  • The night before the school festival and Eri tries to get close to Harima:

 Eri: Hey Hige, I need to ask some questions about the menu. Do you like girls who can cook, yes or no?

Mikoto (comically diving from her hiding spot): That has nothing to do with the menu!

    • It gets worse.

 Eri: Next question... Hige... What kind of hair do you like in a girl?

Mikoto (comically diving from her hiding spot): Now THAT's really got nothing to do with the menu!!!

Akira: That was a very direct one, Eri.

  • In the Beach Episode, Harima tries to crawl next to Tenma while she is asleep. Hanai, dreaming of Yakumo, grabs him from behind. They struggle and he wakes up Eri who sees Harima all sweaty and breathing deeply. She kicks him in the face repeatedly.
  • During the Wargames it's revealed the girl everyone thought was Eri was really her butler Nakamura in drag.
  • Any scene of class 2-C voting for something.
  • One of the ideas for the School Play a Harima/Hanai yaoi fantasy.
  • From the manga where Eri forced Harima to apply hemorrhoid cream on Nakamura (dressed as Eri for some reason). Then Tenma walks in...
  • Harima thinks only aliens eat shrimp. Then Tenma eats one.

 "I'm sick of Earth girls, anyway!"

    • "Friendship with shrimp is impossible". What is Harima smoking and where can I get some?
  • Imadori saves Mikoto from during the Kibasen and does a dramatic monologue. Mai tells him to get back in the game and hits him over the head but that causes him to fall down and get eliminated.
  • Yoshidayama mistaking Nara and Imadori to be gay together. Didn't help that the former was wearing a dress.
  • Class 2-C initially mistakes Kyoto for London.
  • Harima and Imadori's Accidental Kiss.
  • The class tries to figure out what to do at the walking festival. Karen proposes an obstacle course out of American Gladiators. Nishimoto's idea was essentially an orgy.
  • Eri misunderstanding Tenma and Karasuma's wrestling date as their "first time".
  • Lala finding out what her basketball nickname "Gori" means. A day after first hearing it.
  • The New Years episode where Harima, with Eri in tow, follows Tenman and Karasuma while still wearing the Chinese lion costume.
  • Class 2-D's film about the Kyoto trip which turns into an action flick with the Harima/Eri love story at it's core.
  • Eri spent the last day in Kyoto with an actor who looks like Harima leading the whole class to think they went on a date and they are forced to awkwardly sit together on the train home.
  • Suga trying to get into the London trip preparation committee with Eri by wearing a Union Jack shirt.

 Suga: You gotta admit that was a good idea.

Asou: Please don't talk to me.

  • Harima gets jealous that Tenma is praising Hanai so he reminds the class that Hanai shouted Mikoto's name when she was killed in the survival game.
  • Chapter 191. Tenma praised Hanai again for getting the highest mark in the SAT's so Harima "accidentally" bumps him then Akira "accidentally" steps on his test paper.
  • While stranded on a cave in a deserted island, Mikoto thought of 4 plans A, B, C, D, with D, being the risky one. She hadn't even said those plans and asked Imadori if he had plans... then he said "D". Mikoto thought Imadori reads her mind perfectly and was warming up to him because plan D is the riskiest... only for Imadori to burst in and saying that Mikoto's breast size has GOT to be D Cup. Cue Megaton Kick.
    • Later, the girls are discussing how far they managed to swim, since none of them knew how before today. Eri didn't really try, Tenma swam 20 meters, and Mikoto...swam five kilometers.
  • Macross Tuna Massacre.
  • Akira utterly trolling Hanai's attempt to join the Tea-Ceremony club (just because he wants to be on the same club with Yakumo). When he woke up after being knocked out, Hanai saw Akira putting up a message on the wall and looked like she warmed up to him... only for Hanai to realize that the message Akira put was "Hanai is not allowed to join."