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"He is right dear, that boy could never pass as a creature of the night". |
School for Vampires is a German/Italian animated TV series, which not surprisingly centers around a group of vampire children learning everything a vampire needs to know. Our hero Oscar might have been one of the best students at the Vampire Academy, if it was not for the fact he cannot see, let alone taste blood, if he does, he faints. To make matters even worse, he is in love with a human girl whose uncle is a vampire hunter!
Tropes used in School for Vampires include:
- Action Girl: Gothetta
- Afraid of Blood: Oskar, which is quite ironic considering he's a vampire.
- Awesome McCoolname: Count Alarich von Horrificus, the headmaster.
- Boarding School/ Extranormal Institute
- Body Snatcher: Ashley takes over Oscar's body in one episode and scares the hell out of their friends.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: in one episode the vampire children are watching TV and there is a line about watching too much TV upon which all characters look at the camera
- Butt Monkey: Stoker
- Cheerful Child: How can you else describe Klot
- As a Moe, definetely!
- The Chick: Sunshine
- Cute Little Fangs: All the vampire kids, exept for Stoker (and arguably Leachy).
- Crusty Caretaker: Nestor, altough he is to an large extent more of the Old Retainer of the school.
- Defanged Horrors
- Dub Name Change: Most characters have different names in the Italian, German or English version of the show, except for Oskar and Klot
- Lapidina = Gruftine = Gothetta
- Rotella = Tinto = Leechy
- Perfidius = Fletscher = Stoker
- Pulvirio = Ashley = Ashley
- Sole = Sunshine = Sunshine
- Justified, since they're all Punny Names
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: for some episodes
- Fiery Redhead: Gothetta, altough her hair is more of a crimson color.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Oskar
- The Lancer: Stoker and Gothetta
- The Smart Guy: Leechy
- The Tagalong Kid/The Chick: Klot
- Forbidden Friendship: Oskar and Sunshine
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
- Gadgeteer Genius : Leechy
- Harmless Villain: Vampire Hunter Paulus Polidori
- Ironic Fear: See Afraid of Blood
- Jerkass: Stoker, sometimes entering Token Evil Teammate territory.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Stoker has shown that he's not all bad.
- Nice Guy: Oskar
- Our Vampires Are Different:
- A human that became a vampire (after being bitten by a vampire during a full moon) can become human again by replacing all his/her vampire blood with human blood in a blood trasfusion.
- Also; a vampire that is exposed to sunlight does not die, but is instead reduced to a living/undead pile of ash that can still speak and retains the same personality. Yikes!
- Apparently, in this universe, there are vampires that are born as vampires and those who were turned by bite. Probably as a logic consequence, these vampires grow up and age. They are still immortal, though.
- Blood is not a necessaty to the vampires, at least not the vampire children who are not allowed to drink blood until they graduate the school for vampires. They eat all kinds of non-blood food, the vampire children even love human sweets.
- Other vampiric powers include hypnosis,bringing one's shadow to life and turning into bats (but retaining their human faces).
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Played straight with the kids, subverted however with the adult vampires who can be, as shown in some episodes, an actual threat to humans. They are however always stopped by the interfering kids or bad luck
- Shout-Out: Every member of the faculty: Count von Horrificus and Lady Kryptina are dressed in the same way as Dracula and Lucy in Bram Stokers Dracula. Professor Archibald Oxford looks like Count Orlock from Nosferatu and Nestor is a dead ringer (pun not intended) to Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Vampire hunter Paulus Polidori shares his last name with John William Polidori, author of The Vampyre.
- Show Within a Show: "Vampire Town", a human show based on Fletscher's diary.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Count von Horrificus' only fear is clowns