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A Game Mod for Half-Life, created by Denix Lenelli. The story, if anyone is interested, puts Gordon Freeman (the player) as an agent of an advanced weapons corporation called Death & Destruction Inc. (DDI). DDI on the other hand takes orders from an alien military force known as the Nephilim Alliance (NA), originating from an alternate dimension. The problem is loads of scientists are appearing out of nowhere and they need someone to get rid of them. The game is straight forward, just kill scientist from Half-life. Now has an Items page in need of some wiki love.

Tropes used in Scientist Slaughterhouse include:
  • Awesome Yet Practical: For killing and endless stream of scientists? EVERYTHING!
  • BFS: It will cut a sci in half!
  • Earthshattering Kaboom: The Independence Day -esqe mother ship has a death beam which You take the steps to prime it (Or You could just simply press the Auto-death button), You use it to destroy a scientist asteroid base, so its more of an "Asteroid Shattering Kaboom"
  • Excuse Plot: And how!
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: The laser pistol, the secondary trigger fires a "Forceweb" that depending on the color, will throw scientists around (Red), make them flail before splatting into pieces (Green), or drill them into the ground (Blue)
    • A laser rifle can either fire 5 simultaneous beams that refract off walls, or a laser that shoots through walls
  • Freeze Ray: Freeze the scientist's then break them into pieces
    • Light blue hornets also freeze, although slower
  • Game Breaker: So many
    • Subverted, given that beating a hostile version of the NA agent is difficult as hell, if not impossible without cheats.
  • Have a Nice Death: The non-Steam version will display death messages such as "Gordon Freeman shot Walter in the stomach with 9mm pistol", "Einstein was sliced by a giant blade (Ouch thats gotta hurt ;-)"
    • The Steam version however does not display them but You can still view them with the console
  • High-Pressure Blood: Blowing a scientist head off will emit a stream of blood from the head.
  • Kill Sat: The satchel charges "Sattelite rain" mode.
  • Lightning Gun: A tesla rifle that can fire a stream of lightning, or to attract lightning to a sci and blow it's head off. Secondary Fire fires chain lightning
  • Ludicrous Gibs: Pretty much any weapons past the first group can do this, let's not get started on the map elements.
  • What the Hell, Player?: "My god what are You doing!?"
    • "Stop attacking! He's a friend!"
      • Even more annoying when you use a weapon that makes them constantly take damage (such as laser grenades or EMP/fire. This causes a rapid case of: "Are-Sto-Are-My-Sto-My-Are" and so forth.