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  • In "Decoy For A Dognapper," the perp, Buck Masters, tells the kids to mind their own business. Fred replies "Catching dognappers is our business. After all, Scooby Doo is a dog, and we love him very much."
  • Also in the Pup episode "The Computer Walks Among Us" (where Velma is framed after her computer causes a series of thefts): Scooby refuses to enter a dark closet, even for a Scooby Snack. But he does so when Velma kisses him.

 Velma: Will you do it for me, Scooby? (she kisses Scooby on the cheek) Pleeeeeeease?

Scooby: I'd do anything for you, Velma!

  • The end of "Big Appetite In Little Tokyo," when Velma gives her creation, Dogbot, to the brat kid who was competing against her in a science contest.

 Daphne: That was real sweet of you, Velma.

Velma: Well, I may have given Dogbot a king-sized brain...(hugging Scooby) but he just can't match Scooby Doo's king-sized heart.
