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Scootertrix the Abridged is an Abridged Series of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The series initially followed as rather episodic, but gradually developed it’s own Story Arc, focusing on Equestria going to war and Pinkie’s attempts to stop the world from ending.
Applying Tropes
- The Ace: Kevin Bacon and Flash Sentry.
- Adaptational Villainy: Steven Magnet, Trixie, Derpy, and Harper. Downplayed with Celesti, who cares about her subjects but is a huge Troll and a Jerkass.
- Adaptational Badass: Pinkie. The CMC here are Celestia’s top generals.
- Adaptational Heroism: Subverted by Sunset Shimmer.
- And I Must Scream: Pinkie is heavily implied to be aware of what she’s doing while brainwashed by Discord.
- Axe Crazy: Celestial blows up all the movie theaters that play The Snack because her arch nemesis Kevin Bacon made it. Scootaloo is a General Ripper who loves violence.
- Back From the Dead: Sombra has apparently been killed by Celestia and revived by his crazed followers 6 times.
- Big Bad Ensemble: Chrysalis, Discord, and Sombra.
- Big Bad Wannabe: Trixie really wants to beat Twilight, but is easily bested by her every time. Trixie later becomes a Not So Harmless Villain.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Discord uses fan footage to brainwash Pinkie into killing her friends.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Pinkie is a master of it, and often uses her abilities to try and stop the world from ending, and insult the Editor for his incompetence. Trixie can use it to, and improves by the time of Trixie the Abridged.
- Deconstructed, as repeated usage of it winds up freeing Discord, who can adjust the script to his liking.
- Bolivian Army Ending: The ending of episode 25.
- Butt Monkey: Luna and Derpy.
- Character Development: Spike develops a friendship with Rarity, Twilight stops being a Jerk with a Heart of Gold and becomes a Nice Guy, Fluttershy stops letting her fear cripple her, and Pinkie stops using the Fourth so much.
- Characterization Marches On: Derpy wasn’t the Bird’s arch nemesis, and the Bird could brush right past her.
- Character Exaggeration: Fluttershy’s fear is so exaggerated that she is terrified of the animals she usually loves, particularly rabbits.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Rarity.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Implied with Spike.
- Death by Adaptation: Sunset Shimmer is sent to Tartarus by Luna.
- Discord invokes this by using fan footage of Pinkie killing her friends to brainwash her into doing so within the series.
- The Ditz: Subverted by the Bird, who only acts stupid when in low altitudes because her brain is used to higher altitudes.
- Evil All Along: Sombra claims that the wars Equestria have fought are all Celestia’s doing, as well as many other events like sending Luna to the sun, and that she did this out of boredom. It’s unclear if he’s making this up or not.
- Face Heel Turn: Sombra attempts to convince Luna to do one in episode 25. It’s unclear if he succeeds.
- General Ripper: Scootaloo.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Twilight initially, and Spike.
- Jerkass: Celestia and Mayor Mare.
- Killed Off for Real: Applejack’s mother General Builder.
- Knight of Cerebus: Discord.
- Irrational Hatred: Celestia‘s hates Kevin Bacon because of how perfect he is, and General Apple Bloom has the same deal with Flash Sentry.
- Straight Man: Twilight, though she doesn’t qualify as Only Sane Man because of her own subtle insanities. Deconstructed when Applejack calls her out on criticizing everyone who isn’t just like her. Twilight apologizes, and stops doing it, though she still gets flustered by the nonsense of Ponyvile.
- Laughably Evil: King Sombra.
- Only Sane Man: Luna is this to Celestia and all of the Royal Guards, while Spike serves as one to Twilight.
- Only Sane Employee: Leslie serves as one amongst the mostly stupid Changelings.
- Nice Guy: Twilight post Character Development, Luna, Pinkie, and Applejack.
- Not So Harmless Villain: Trixie.
- Not So Above It All: Twilight.
- Wham! Line: This gem:
Rarity: Fine! I’m a Changeling! |
- And later on:
AppleJack: Applebloom, our mother is dead. |
- A big one from The Stinger of episode 24, where a mysterious voice, later revealed to be Discord, steals Pinkie’s ability to use The Fourth.
- From episode 25, when Discord reveals who will be killing the Mane Six to Pinkie. {{quote|Discord: I won’t be killing your friends. No, I’m going to have a little fun for once. You will.