Gamers, this is the second funniest thing you'll ever hear...
—Justin Worsham
Second Funniest Podcast is an ongoing podcast starring comedian Justin Worsham (Showtime, Blue Collar Radio) and voice actor Kevin Miller ( the voice of Sly Cooper). Their catch phrase is "Gamers, this is the second funniest thing you’ll ever hear.” The show started in a very Slice of Life style before becoming video game oriented. They have discussed voice acting, their marriages, childhoods and video games over the course of the years. The series has a number of running gags without suffering from Continuity Lock Out and has featured many guests. Currently in season three of their show, the Second Funniest Podcast has two spin offs: The Dad Podcast and Insert Title Here Show.
Tropes used within Second Funniest Podcast[]
- And Zoidberg: Justin usually gets this treatment during email episodes.
- Lovingly lampshaded when one listener starts her email with 'dear Justin and that other guy'.
- Audience Participation: The email episodes.
- Ascended Fanboy, Ensemble Darkhorse: Caleb and the rest from the Insert Title Here Show.
- Also, Sweater Vest Sam.
- Big No: Kevin, after Justin says he thinks Popeye's is better from Church's Chicken.
- Cerebus Syndrome: Episodes 007 and 100 are apparently the darkest in the series..
- Crowning Moment of Funny: just one? Uh.....
- A YouTube video of the "Sly and the Gang Rob KFC" skit from the episode guest-starring Matt Olsen and Chris Murphy (the voices of Bentley and Murray, respectively) has made it to the Sly Cooper CMoF page, and has been the direct cause of many new listeners to the podcast. I think it qualifies.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Justin can be this at times.
- Deadpan Snarker, Troll: Justin and Kevin both take turns being this.
- Happily Married: Both Kevin and Justin.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Kevin Miller is Sly Cooper, duh.
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Justin's, as discussed constantly.
- Ho Yay: Lampshaded when Kevin says the show is about their 'bromance'. Justin refers to himself as loving Kevin more than any man should love another man while gushing about Kevin's wedding.
- Let's not forget Justin's man-crush on Nolan North.
- Hollywood Nerd: Both Kevin and Justin, quite literally.
- Long Runner: Going on for 3 years and over 300 episodes.
- Man of a Thousand Voices: Both Kevin and Justin.
- Needs More Love
- Noodle Incident: ...Kevin and the infamous Tales of Eternia situation.
- Only Sane Man: Kevin
- Shark Jesus: May He Swim Forever In The Ocean Of Life!
- R.I.P. Kevin Blackton...
- Creed. That is all.