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Seekers is a series of books by Erin Hunter, author of the wildly popular Warrior Cats series, chronicling the lives of four bears as they journey across North America to the Place of Everlasting Ice in order to fulfill the vague command passed down to them by their ancestors, "Save the Wild." Like its predecessor, Seekers is both a regular occupant of the bestseller list and Better Than It Sounds. There are currently six books in the series, not counting the manga. There are also at least two more manga, and another series of (presumably) six books, in store.
Tropes used in Seeker Bears include:
- Action Girl: Lusa becomes this after going into the wild and meeting Toklo and Ujurak. Kallik also is this.
- Almost-Dead Guy: Qopuk and Tulugaq.
- Arc Words: Save the wild.
- The Atoner: Toklo. After Tobi's death in the first book, he allows Ujurak and later Lusa to follow him, as he feels guilty about having not taken better care of his brother. (However, Tobi probably would have died no matter what.)
- Band of Brothers: The group of Toklo, Kallik, Lusa, and Ujurak.
- Because Destiny Says So: Played with. In Spirits in the Stars, we hear that Kallik made Kissimi part of her destiny, and that what happens to him is her choice. Although Ujurak's death is an obvious example of this.
- Blood From the Mouth: This happens to Ujurak when he turns into a goose and accidentally eats a fishhook.
- Character Name and the Noun Phrase: The manga editions. Currently, we have Toklo's Story and Kallik's Adventure.
- Chekhov's Skill: The bear's different abilities- traveling through the ice and catching seals, climbing trees, and swimming often do come in handy.
- The Chosen One: Well, chosen four.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Ujurak comes across as this sometimes.
- Deadpan Snarker: Toklo. Also, Kallik, when she's irritated.
- Dead Person Conversation: Each bear talks to their dead family members, even Ujurak.
- Did You Just Destroy An Oil Rig?
- Dogs Are Dumb: Taqqiq says this when telling the group about dogs.
- Doomed Hometown: The wild in general, but especially Star Island.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Ujurak dies in an avalanche of all things, although it's after they saved the wild.
- Dreaming of Things to Come: This is from the authors of Warriors, so this ends up happening a lot.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Obviously averted, except for when a rival bear attacks.
- Played straight with Nanulak, though, who tricked the other bears into saying that his family abandoned him and tried to make Toklo kill his father, who had been trying to find his son. He is also the most unredeemable character in the series.
- Everything's Worse with Bees: Subverted, although they are a pain when black bears look for honey.
- Fantastic Racism: One would argue about whether the things that tie the different species of bears apart are this.
- Fire-Forged Friends: Basically every friendship involving Toklo, who is not too keen on traveling with other bears at first.
- Genki Girl: Lusa.
- Green Aesop: "Save the wild," indeed.
- Heroic BSOD: Oka has this when Tobi dies.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: All of the friends. Doesn't stop the shippers.
- Hold Your Hippogriffs: Even more so than Warriors. There are many, many "noun-brain" insults.
- Hollywood Atheist: Salik's gang.
- Humans Are Bastards: Well, not all of them. But most of them seem not to care too much about destroying nature.
- Ill Bear Cub: Tobi.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Toklo. Also, Taqqiq, very deep down.
- Large Ham: The random polar bear who couldn't be bothered to hunt his own seal in Fire in the Sky. "I SMELL SEAL AND IT SHALL BE MINE!"
- Mama Bear: Oka to Tobi (And Toklo, deep down) and Kallik to Kissimi.
- Meaningful Name: Lusa and Kissimi.
- Oh My Gods: Great Spirits!
- Rage Against the Heavens: A few bears when thy believe their ancestors have doomed them.
- Shout-Out: Yogi the bear, anyone?
- Even better, he was named by humans, so it was probably intentional in-universe.
- Sibling Rivalry: Toklo to Tobi, who got all the attention because he was unhealthy.
- The Unfavorite: Toklo seems to be this to Oka even after his brother Tobi dies, but he later learns she loved him too.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Ujurak's used to be a bit uncontrollable, but it's getting better. Only problem is he has a tendency to forget he's a bear when he's being something else.
- The Watcher: The Spirits don't really do anything other than advising until the journey ends.