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A successful 3D Driving Game series created by Sega's AM 5 department and initially released in arcades in 1994. Based loosely on the World Rally Championship, it includes driving on different terrains (like tarmac, gravel and snow), the choice of different cars (which the earlier released Daytona USA didn't have) and support for head-to-head racing.

The franchise consists of:

  • Sega Rally Championship (1994/1995): The original. It set the base for the rest of the saga, including the "3 stages, 1 lap on each stage, bonus Lakeside race for winning" Championship mode and the option to pratice on one track only for three laps on the arcade versions. The cars were the Lancia Delta HF Integrale, the Toyota Celica GT-Four ST 205 and an unlockable Lancia Stratos HF. Ported to PC and Saturn, and later the Game Boy Advance and Playstation 2.
  • Sega Rally 2 (1998/1999): The sequel. The cars included the Toyota Corolla WRC, the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI WRC, Subaru Impreza WRC, Ford Escort Cosworth WRC, the Peugeot 306 Maxi Kit Car and the Lancia Stratos. Ported to PC and Dreamcast in 1999, which added the "10 Year Championship" mode, new stages (Sahara, Catalunya, Corsica, Indonesia, Finland, Riviera and a Super Special course) and even more cars (like the Subaru Impreza 555, the Toyota Celica GT-Four ST 165 and the Renault Maxi Megane).
  • Sega Rally 2006 (2006): A Japanese-exclusive Playstation 2 game. Included the original as a port with option for 480p resolution.
  • Sega Rally Revo (2007): Simply known as Sega Rally in Europe, this non-arcade version includes three classes of cars (Premier, 4-wheel drive WRC-based cars like the Subaru Impreza; Modified, 2-wheel drive cars like the VW Golf GTI and the Citroen C2 S1600; and Masters, classic rally cars like the Audi Quattro and the Lancia Delta; all classes have secret unlockable cars), new stages, and a championship in which you have to earn points to unlock new leagues up to the finals.
  • Sega Rally 3 (2008): The arcade sequel to Sega Rally 2. Included cars that ran in the 2008 World Rally Championship and a recreation of the Desert course from the original game.
  • Sega Rally Online Arcade (2011): A home conversion of Sega Rally 3 for Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network. Due to licensing issues, the 2008 WRC cars aren't included, and are replaced with cars from Sega Rally Revo instead.

The game features examples of these tropes: